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词汇 the young
例句 The detective sat down facing John, his eyes impaling the young man.侦探面对约翰坐下,犀利的目光逼视着这个年轻人。The youth club leader was unpopular with the young people because he was always flinging his weight around.青年俱乐部的领导不受青年人的欢迎,因为他总是以势压人。The sudden drop in altitude disorientated the young pilot.高度突然下降使年轻的飞行员迷失了方向。The audience was enraptured by the young soloist's performance.年轻演员的独奏表演使得观众如痴如狂。They brought the young men in and set the dogs on them.他们将那几个小伙子带了进来,然后放狗咬他们。Everyone marvelled at the young violinist's great brilliance.人人都对这位年轻小提琴家的卓越才华感到惊讶。Many more schools are needed to educate the young.需要更多的学校让年轻人接受教育。West had abducted the young girl and kept her in his basement for 10 days.韦斯特绑架了那名少女,将她关在地下室十天。He may have been eclipsed by the young guns, but his films are still very popular.年轻一辈的光芒可能会让他显得有些黯然失色,但他的电影仍旧十分受欢迎。There has been a serious decline in moral standards among the young people of today.今天的年轻人道德标准大大下降。A chance conversation led to a brilliant new career for the young student.一次偶然的谈话让这位年轻的学生进入了一个前景光明的新职业。The critic nibbled at the young writer's new novel.那位批评家对这位青年作家的新小说作了吹毛求疵的抨击。I tried painting the young shoots with weed killer, but it didn't kill them off.我试过在幼苗上涂抹除草剂,但没有将它们杀死。I thought the older people would be more offended than the young people, but it was the other way around.我以为那位老人会比年轻人更加生气,结果情况恰恰相反。Further movie roles have proved somewhat elusive for the young actor.对这个年轻演员来说,有深度的电影角色有些让他难以把握。Martin noticed him no more that evening, except once when he observed him chaffing with great apparent success with several of the young women.那个晚上马丁没有再留心他。 只有一回注意到他踉几个年轻妇女开着玩笑,显然非常成功。He was somewhat out of the young minister's depth.他不能完全为那位青年牧师所理解。Together, the young film-makers formed a tight group.这些年轻的电影制作人在一起形成了一个关系密切的团体。The dating agency specializes in finding partners for the young and upwardly mobile.这家婚姻介绍所专门为社会地位正在提升的年轻人士寻找伴侣。It seems a lot of these companies want to get rid of the old ones and keep on the young ones.看来许多这类公司都想辞掉老员工而留下年轻的员工。The compassionate judge gave the young offender a light sentence.慈悲的法官从轻判处了那个年轻罪犯。The former world champion imparted a few words of wisdom to the young runners.前世界冠军送给年轻赛跑运动员几句至理名言。The gardener was clearing a space so he could plant the young seedlings.园艺工正在清理出一个地方来种植幼苗。The older generation have always frowned on some of the ideas of the young.老一辈人总是对青年人的某些想法不以为然。A few years abroad would undoubtedly round out the young man's education.几年国外经历无疑会让这个年轻人的教育经历更加耀眼。The romance of the sea beckoned the young sailors.航海的浪漫故事吸引着年轻水手们。They watched the young eagles take flight.他们看着幼鹰展翅飞翔。The early years of fear and the hostility left a deep scar on the young boy.早年的恐惧不安和别人的敌意给这个小男孩留下了深深的创伤。I don't envy the young ones who've become TV superstars and know no other world.我不羡慕那些成为超级电视明星,对其他却一无所知的年轻人。The early years of fear and the hostility left a deep scar on the young boy.早年的恐惧和遭受的敌视给这个小男孩留下了深深的创伤。High-end smartphones have become aspirational status symbols, especially among the young.对那些一心要跻身富贵阶层的人而言,特别是在年轻人当中,高端智能手机已经成为社会地位的象征。For some it was awful, for others, particularly the young, it was the time of their lives.对某些人来说,那糟透了;而对其他人,特别是年轻人来说,那是他们无比开心的日子。Keeping the young plants in a greenhouse will help bring them on.把幼苗放在温室里可以促进它们生长。The elderly generally need far less rest than the young, and tend to sleep in several short stretches.年长者一般需要的休息时间比年轻人要少得多,而且往往会分成几个小段时间睡觉。Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to success.几乎所有受访的年轻人都认为工作是获得成功的关键。The male of this species assists the female in feeding the young.这一物种的雄性帮助雌性一起喂养幼崽。Francis believes the sky's the limit for the young goalkeeper.弗朗西斯认为,这名年轻的守门员前途不可限量。Makin, a solicitor, is acting for the young people in their case against the county council.梅金律师在本案中代表年轻人起诉郡议会。He was able to work the young students up into a frenzy.他能激起青年学生的狂热。He wants to marry the young girl he's done over.他想娶他诱奸过的那位年轻姑娘。




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