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词汇 the time
例句 We'll have to spend money when necessary. Don't try to pinch pennies all the time.该花钱时我们还是得花。别总是精打细算。He was in prison at the time.他当时被关在狱中。The rain had set in steadily by the time we got home.我们到家的时候雨已经不停歇地下起来了。The stopping distance includes the time taken for the brain to register the need to stop.制动停车距离涵盖了大脑意识到必须停车所需要的时间。Many students have fallen into debt by the time they graduate.很多学生毕业时都已陷入债台高筑的境地。Her doctor is her alibi: she was in surgery at the time of the murder.她的医生能证明她不在犯罪现场:谋杀案发生时她正在接受手术。We believe the time and hard work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile.我们认为完成这项任务所必须付出的时间与辛苦都是值得的。The British Foreign Office has decided the time is ripe to send its first female ambassador to the region.英国外交部作出决定现在可以向该地区派驻第一位女大使。Robert aimed to be independent of his parents by the time he was twenty.罗伯特的目标是在二十岁时脱离父母自立。At the time there was a dismally weak market in the rest of Europe.当时欧洲其他地方市场疲软,令人沮丧。If we agreed all the time it would be a bit boring, wouldn't it?.如果我们总是意见一致,就会有点无趣,对吗?Think of all the time they've wasted trying to prove me guilty, while the real killer goes free.你想想,他们花了那么多时间来证明我有罪,而真正的凶手却逍遥法外。With a quick glance at the time, she stood up and prepared to leave.她迅速看了一眼时间,站起身来准备离开。Only a fool goes by the rules all the time.只有傻瓜才会什么时候都循规蹈矩的。I was well pissed off about it at the time.当时我对这件事特别生气。They rowed about money all the time.他们总是为了钱吵架。The company allowed the reporters unrestricted access to data from around the time of the accident.这家公司让记者可无限接触事故发生时间前后的数据。 She was newly pregnant at the time.当时她刚怀孕。For the time being he can stay here, but I want that dog out of here by the end of the week.他暂时可住这儿,但我希望那条狗在周末之前离开。The Medical Examiner had placed the time of death at somewhere between midnight and two o'clock in the morning.验尸官认为死亡时间大约在午夜到凌晨两点之间。I'll be thinking about you all the time.我会经常想起你的。I was abroad at the time, so I got the news second-hand.当时我在国外,所以我间接得知了该消息。She was not under a doctor's care at the time of the accident.事故发生时,她身边没有医生照料。Despite the time and money it demands, he prizes that sailboat.他非常珍爱那艘帆船,尽管它需要花费时间和金钱。Hurry up! We don't have all the time in the world!快点!我们没有太多时间!By the time dinner was ready, we were ravenous.等到饭菜准备好时,我们都饿坏了。The book remained incomplete at the time of her death.她去世的时候书还没有写完。They were both young at the time of their betrothal.订下婚约的时候两人都还年轻。I'd hate to have a job that kept me in the office all the time.我不喜欢成天都待在办公室里的工作。To pass the time they sang songs and played cards.他们靠唱歌、打牌来打发时间。In keeping with the general mood of the time, these novels tended to sentimentalize the past.与当时的总体气氛一致,这些小说都有美化过去的倾向。As geologists, we work in the field most of the time.作为地质学家,我们大部分时间在野外工作。We'll all be pushing up daisies by the time the government balances the budget.等到政府实现收支平衡时,我们都已长眠地下了。She peeked at the clock to see the time.她偷看了一下时钟上的时间。I would suggest that for the time being you behave as circumspectly as possible in political matters.我建议你目前在政治事务中尽可能地谨慎行事。Many is the time I've had him across my knee and belted him with a slipper.我曾经多次把他脸朝下放在膝上,用拖鞋打他屁股。The party was in full swing by the time we arrived.我们到达时聚会正处于高潮。Although I was under a strain, and drinking a lot at the time, I remember very clearly what happened.尽管当时我紧张疲累,还喝了许多酒,但我清楚地记得所发生的事。The weather was very pleasant for the time of year.这个时节的天气是很舒适的。The device works by bouncing sound waves off objects and measuring the time it takes for the sound to return.这个装置的工作原理是让声波碰到物体反弹,然后测定声音返回所需的时间。




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