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词汇 the sort of
例句 That's the sort of price I was hoping to pay.我希望出的差不多就是那样的价格。Does he not find it ironic that the sort of people his movie celebrates hardly ever watch this kind of movie?他电影里颂扬的那些人几乎从不看这种电影,难道他不觉得这是种讽刺吗?He's the sort of person who enjoys making other people look small.他是那种喜欢让别人显得渺小的人。It's the sort of thing that would be very difficult to prove in any modern court of law.这属于那种任何现代法庭都很难证明的事情。Are you the sort of person who likes to lounge in bed at the weekend?你是不是那种喜欢周末赖在床上不肯动的人?He had the sort of smile that lifts a middling face into something special.他微笑时,那张普普通通的脸会变得特别好看。He's the sort of person who bores you at parties.他这人会在聚会上把你弄得很无趣。It's the sort of tall tale about how good they are with women that guys tell in bars.这是男人们在酒吧里吹的那些牛皮,说自己和女人打交道如何如何了得。That's just the sort of thing I want.那正是我所需要的那种东西。This store handles the sort of liquor you need.这家商店出售你要的那种酒。This stereo system is the most expensive in the range and is not the sort of thing that Joe Bloggs would buy.这种立体声音响是同类产品中最贵的,不是普通人会买的。It was the sort of mood perched between dream and reality.那是一种介乎梦幻和现实之间的精神状态。Rapidly,the sort of disease stalked through the whole of Europe.很快,这种疾病就在欧洲蔓延开来。It was the sort of pompous comment I expected from somebody so superior.那正是我意料中身居如此高位的人会说的那种虚夸的大话。He's the sort of person who thrives on hard work.他是苦干有成的那种人。She gave him a pitying look; that was the sort of excuse her father would use.她怜悯地看了他一眼,这类借口是她父亲会用的。It's the sort of place where people go to pose in their designer labels.这是那种人们都穿着名牌服装招摇过市的地方。She is the sort of person who works with intense but intermittent effort.她就是那种人,有时候工作会很努力,但也是间歇性的。He was the sort of admirer she had been having in these latter years.他是她近几年来不断遇到的那种爱慕者。I'm not the sort of newspaper owner who meddles with editorial policy.我不是那种干涉编辑方针的报社老板。The island is the sort of place that caters for families.这个岛是个适合家庭度假的地方。He didn't seem the sort of man to be cruel on purpose.他不像是那种故意对人无情的人。He's not the sort of man you can put something over on.他可不是你能愚弄的那种人。It was the sort of thing you read about in the papers.这是那种能在报纸上读到的东西。Alison was not the sort of person to hide anything from her dad.艾莉森不是那种有事瞒着自己父亲的人。He's the sort of person who sees a conspiracy around every corner.他是那种能看出角角落落里阴谋的人。It's the sort of program Andrew could write standing on his head.写这种程序对于安德鲁而言是小菜一碟。He's the sort of insensitive bully who enjoys throwing his weight around.他是个冷漠无情、仗势欺人的家伙,就爱到处横行霸道。That's exactly the sort of material I'm looking for.这正是我要找的那种材料。Now he can begin to earn the sort of mega-bucks he has always dreamed about.现在他可以开始挣他一直梦寐以求的大钱了。These hotels still offer the sort of service which were the hallmark of the grand days of travel.这些酒店依然提供旅游黄金时期的特色服务。That's just the sort of abuse that he will be investigating.他要调查的正是这一类虐待行为。He is the sort of man who wouldn't say boo to a goose.他是那种极其害羞的人。It's not the sort of joke you tell in mixed company.这不是那种可以在男女混杂的场合讲的笑话。It's the sort of ignorant, oafish thing you expect him to say.大家都知道他只会说些无知的蠢话。It's not the sort of film that stimulates the grey matter much.这部片子不是那种发人深思的电影。She's the sort of boss who gets really stroppy if things aren't done her way.她是那种老板,别人要是不照她的意思去做,她就会发火。He's not the sort of man who would go back on his word.他不是那种会食言的人。It's the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration.这类工作需要注意力高度集中。Most rail-users were deeply dissatisfied with the sort of service they were getting.大多数铁路乘客都对他们得到的这种服务很不满意。




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