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词汇 change
例句 We can neither change nor improve it.对此我们既无法改变,也无法加以改善。Our lives have straddled a period of greater change than perhaps any since the end of the Roman Empire.我们生活的这个时期所经历的变革可能是罗马帝国灭亡以来最巨大的。For this year, we have decided to change the format of the conference slightly.我们已经决定将今年会议的形式稍作改变。Sometimes I improvise and change the words because I forget them.有时候想不起来原稿怎么写的,我就即兴发挥,改变措辞。If you travel frequently, find an agency that will change one foreign currency directly into another.如果你经常旅行,就找一家能直接兑换外币的旅行社。We've been so busy that a quiet day at home was a welcome change.我们一直很忙,在家安静地歇一天是个不错的调整。Political values and opinions are firmly held, and can be slow to change.政治价值观和政见根深蒂固,要改变可能得花上很长时间。It's nice to hear some good news for a change.不时地能听到些好消息真好。We noticed a gradual change in temperature.我们注意到了温度在逐渐变化。Despite an outcry, the university refused to change its admission policies.尽管许多人抗议,这所大学还是拒绝更改招生政策。Directors are right to cut their losses, admit they chose the wrong man and make a change.董事们当断则断,承认自己选错了人,并且作了人员变更,这样做是正确的。It's too late in the game to change the date of the meeting. 更改会议时间已经来不及了。Leadership is about the ability to implement change.领导才能就是要有实施变革的能力。His features seemed to change.他的容貌似乎有所改变。The teams change ends at half-time so that neither side has an unfair advantage.两队在上半场结束时交换场地,这样对任何一方都公平。What are your views on the climate change question?你对气候变迁问题有什么看法?I'm bored with my present job, I want a change.我厌烦了现在的工作,想换一个。They tried unsuccessfully to change his mind.他们试图改变他的主意,但没有成功。We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological change.我们得让工人学习新技能,以应对巨大的技术变革。You must engage the clutch in order to change gear.你要踩下离合器才能换挡。The new rules will substantially change how we do things.新规则会在很大程度上改变我们的行事方式。I think he did well out of the change of jobs.我想他通过更换工作得到了好处。Several brokers have had a change of heart about prospects for the company.几位经纪人对该公司前景的看法已经有所改变。The time has come for a change.是到了改变一下的时候了。It makes a refreshing change to talk to someone who's happy.与快乐的人交谈会给人一种耳目一新的感觉。This was a major change of direction for Britain's foreign policy.这是英国外交政策方向上的一个重大转变。He'll benefit from the change.他将从这一变动中获利。The evidence argues a change in policy.证据表明政策有了变动。These creatures can change colour in order to blend into their surroundings.这些动物能变色,这样就能与其周围环境融为一体。There wasn't time to shower or change clothes.没时间淋浴换衣服了。He had a complete change of perspective after his illness.生病后,他的观念完全改变了。He didn't want kids at first, but he's had quite a change of heart.他当初不想要孩子,可现在他的态度完全变了。Let's eat Italian food for a change.让我们换个口味,吃义大利菜吧! This bus doesn't go all the way so you'll have to change.这趟公交车是区间车,所以你必须换乘。Competition is a force for change in industry.竞争是工业变革的推动力量。Sometimes proper nouns change into common nouns.有时专有名词会转变为普通名词。The Queen had presided over the biggest fundamental change in Britain's world role in a couple of hundred years.在这位女王的领导下,英国的世界地位已发生了数百年来最大的根本变化。Events in Paris wrought a change in British opinion towards France and Germany.巴黎发生的事件改变了英国对法国和德国的看法。Men's fashions change more slowly than women's.男式服装流行款式的变化比女式服装要慢。Let me change out of this suit into something more comfortable.我换掉套装,穿件舒服点的衣服吧。




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