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例句 He left New York in 1932 and we heard no more of him thereafter.他一九三二年离开纽约,自那以后再没有听到他的音讯。It was the only time she had ever discouraged him from dangerous activities and she regretted it thereafter.那是她唯一一次劝他不要参加危险活动,说完以后她就后悔了。He was very ill as a child and was considered delicate thereafter.他幼年多病,其后一向被认为弱不禁风。The plants should be watered every day for the first week and twice a week thereafter.这些植物第一个星期应该天天浇水,以后一周浇两次。She returned shortly thereafter.她此后不久就回来了。He continued to appear in the office with unfailing regularity thereafter.从那以后他照常出现在办公室,风雨无阻。Inflation will fall and thereafter so will interest rates.通胀将下降,之后利率也会降低。On retirement each employee will receive a lump sum of £10,000 and a regular annual pension thereafter.每位雇员退休时可以一次性得到一万英镑,此后定期领取年金。




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