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词汇 the people
例句 The work should be done by the people who are best able to do it.这项工作应该由最有能力的人去完成。The interview whipped up half the people into a frenzy of rage.这次会谈使半数人极为愤慨。He told the people that they should rise up and overthrow the corrupt government.他告诉人民应该起来推翻这个腐败的政府。He was personally responsible for all that the people had suffered under his rule.他个人要为他统治时人民所受的一切苦难负责。If you want to know what is really happening in a company, ask the people on the inside.如果你想了解某公司内真实发生的事,就要问在公司内部工作的人。I just hope the people who committed this monstrous evil will be able to live with themselves.我只希望做出这种骇人恶行的人将来不会良心不安。In the road the people seemed heaped together.路上,人们好像挤作了一堆。It is not known how many of the people arrested in last Saturday's protests have been freed.上星期六抗议活动中被捕的人当中,有多少人已被释放仍不得而知。I should think that most of the people around here vote Tory.我当然认为周围的人大多都会投保守党的票。His martyrdom encouraged the people to resist.他的殉难激励人民进行抵抗。Can you tell the people at the back of the queue to stop pushing!告诉排在队伍后面的人不要挤,好吗?He was asked to communicate the news to the rest of the people.他被要求把这个消息传达给其他人。We had the people immediately concerned in the plot.我们让故事情节与人们息息相关。The government has been legitimately elected by the people.政府是由人民依法选出的。Anyone with a bad cold may infect the people around him.任何重感冒患者都可能把病传染给周围的人。He glared at the people who surrounded the tent.他怒视着围在帐篷周围的人。He was/got shirty with the people who arrived late.他对迟到的人发脾气。Firefighters helped to dig out the people trapped in the snowdrift.消防队员帮忙把被困在雪堆里的人救了出来。Many of the people here continue to believe in the supernatural.这里的许多人依然相信有超自然现象。Only the people who were nearest to the speaker could actually hear what he said.只有离演讲者最近的那些人才能够听到他的话。He is a man of the people. 他和民众打成一片。A politician should be a servant of the people.政治家应当是人民的公仆。He looked curiously at the people.他好奇地看著那些人。Nowhere does the article mention the names of the people involved.这篇文章中并未提及相关人员的名字。The threat of a further bloodbath hangs over the people of the region.该地区的人们面临再次遭遇大屠杀的威胁。The problem is that it's bad business to sue the people who most want your product.问题是,控告那些最想要你的产品的人可不明智。He is not blinded by the reputations of the people he has to interview.他不会因那些受访者的名声而失去判断力。As time progressed, the king inflicted harsher and harsher measures on the people.随着时间的推移,国王采取了越来越严厉的措施来对付人民。They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country.他们周五去投票站选举他们想要的国家管理者。The newspaper article characterizes the people of the town as poor and uneducated.报纸上的那篇文章把小镇居民描绘成一群贫穷且缺少教养的人。Until security can be assured, the people here will continue to live in fear.在安全得到保障之前,这里的人将继续在恐惧中生活。The goal of the experiment was to familiarize the people with the new laws.试行的目的就是要让人们熟悉新法规。What gets me is the attitude of so many of the people.让我恼怒的是这么多人都是这样的态度。He won the election so convincingly that he believed the people had mandated him to carry out his policies.他在竞选中大获全胜,因此他认为人民已授权他实施他的政策。Inflation discontented the people.通货膨胀使人民不满。The government appealed to the people to stay calm.政府吁请人民保持镇静。These loan-sharks target the vulnerable, the people who are least able to pay the money back.这些放高利贷的人以最软弱、最还不起债的人为目标。The President is not in sync with the interests and concerns of the people.这位总统不了解人民的利益和关切。The condition of the people could be elevated by a programme of social reform.人们的生活状况可以通过社会改革方案得到改善。We have no quarrel with the people of the United States.我们没有理由对美国人民不满。




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