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词汇 the mind
例句 The decor was meant to keep the mind concentrated on the making of money.这样的布置装潢本意是想让人把注意力集中在赚钱上。We can only guess what went through the mind of a man who could look back to the dawn of powered flight.一个能够回想起动力飞行初始阶段的人那时脑子里想了些什么,我们只能够猜测而已。Far from being separate, the mind and body form an indivisible whole.心智与身体绝不是分离的,它们形成了一个不可分割的整体。The macrocosm of the universe is mirrored in the microcosm of the mind.心灵天地是万千宇宙的缩影。A good novel impregnates the mind with new ideas.一部好小说总是把新观念注入人心。Evil books defile the mind.坏书会腐蚀(人们的)思想。The decor was meant to keep the mind concentrated on the making of money.这样的装饰布局原本是想让人们把注意力集中在如何赚钱上。Constant pressure atrophies the mind.不断的压力将使心志衰退。Meditation involves focusing the mind on a single object or word.冥想需要把思想集中在一个物体或单词上。Good books may elevate the mind.好书可以提高思想修养。They say that travel broadens the mind.他们说旅行可以使人胸襟开阔。Few would dispute that travel broadens the mind.旅行能够开阔视野,几乎没有人会对此提出异议。They offer a general education which will train the mind.他们提供能够锻炼思维能力的通识教育。Working under a tight deadline can concentrate the mind wonderfully.在紧迫的工期下工作,能很好地集中精力。Fulfilment must be sought through the spirit, not the body or the mind.人要寻求满足必须透过心灵,而不是透过身体或是脑子。What distinguishes homo sapiens from every other living creature is the mind.使智人区别于其他生物的是心智。It is vital to focus the mind entirely upon the action of breathing.把注意力完全集中在呼吸这个动作上是很重要的。Relaxing in a Jacuzzi concentrates the mind wonderfully.在按摩浴缸里放松放松可以让头脑非常清醒。Correct breathing helps to clear the mind and reduce tension.正确的呼吸有助于清醒头脑、缓解紧张情绪。Love, fear, and hope are affections of the mind.爱、恐惧和希望都是头脑的属性。The good grace with which they face the latest privations makes the mind boggle.他们最近备尝困苦,但坦然面对的精神令人称奇。Books are food for the mind.书是心灵的食粮。You have to think quick with the mind and act quick with the body.你必须脑子转得快和行动得快。Prejudice blindfolds the mind.偏见使人无法正确理解事物。The speed of light boggles the mind.光速之快,不可思议。Soft music helps to relax the mind.轻柔的音乐有助于放松身心。Our store never sells books which pollute the mind.我们书店从不出售污染心灵的书籍。The conscious is only a small part of the mind.意识只是精神的一小部分。He believes in the indivisibility of the mind and soul.他认为思维和灵魂不可分。The figures represent such overwhelming human misery that the mind wants to shut it out.这些数据表明人类经受了如此深重的苦难,对此人们都不愿想起。Good reading enlarges the mind.大量阅读使人增长才智。Vast distances boggle the mind.距离之大,不可思议。It could be a virus, or it could be all in the mind.它可能是种病毒性疾病,也可能纯属心理作用。Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit.艺术创作旨在陶冶情操。Freed from the bonds of convention and the fear of what others may think, the mind responds with new solutions.从传统的束缚中解脱出来,不再担心别人会有什么看法,顿时感到柳暗花明。An idea presented itself to the mind.一个主意浮上脑际。A great book impregnates the mind with new ideas.伟大的著作总是把新思想注入人心。He's one of those doctors who say you're not really sick and it's all in the mind.他是那种医生,会说你其实没有病,一切都是你自己想象出来的。Freud's ideas revolutionized our understanding of the mind.弗洛伊德的观点彻底改变了人们对心智的理解。This is a city of the mind, forever being destroyed and rebuilt to kinky new designs.这是一座创意之城,一直不断地在依据古怪奇特的设计思路推倒重建。




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