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词汇 theme
例句 The main theme of the play was clear.该剧总的主题是清楚的。Unfortunately, I had to leave just as the speaker was warming to his theme.不巧的是,正当发言者就他的主题越讲越起劲儿时,我不得不离开了。Recent events have made his central theme even more apposite.最近的事件使他的中心议题显得更加有的放矢。Would you please explain the theme in detail?您是否能详细地说明一下主题? The theme was reworked in countless poems.这主题在不可胜数的诗歌里被一再采用。They played the comedian's theme song.他们奏起了那名喜剧演员的上场信号曲。Your essays tend to concentrate on one theme to the exclusion of everything else.你的文章往往会集中于一个主题,而不顾及别的。The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe.会议的主题是文艺复兴时期的欧洲。She's studying the theme of death in the works of Beckett.她正在研究贝克特作品中关于死亡的主题。The author constructs all the stories around one theme.这位作家的所有故事都围绕同一主题构思。The Sports Cafe is, in truth, no more than a theme restaurant.这家运动咖啡馆实际上不过是一个主题餐馆罢了。The thread running through many of these proposals was the theme of individual power and opportunity.贯穿这许多提案的主线是个人权力和机遇这一主题。The novel's central theme is the perennial conflict between men and women.小说的主题是男人和女人之间永无休止的冲突。The basic theme of these stories never varies.这些故事的基本主题永远不变。The play's central theme is greed and its corrupting effects.这个剧本的中心主题是人性的贪婪和它的腐蚀作用。This theme runs through the whole book.这个主题贯穿整本书。Local companies find the sites and build the theme parks, while we will look after the branding.各地的公司确定园址后进行主题公园的修建,而我们将负责品牌推广工作。This same theme is picked up in his later works.相同的主题又出现在他后来的作品中。The stories are connected by a common theme.这些故事都贯穿着一个共同的主题。Your homework is to write a two-page theme on pollution.你们的家庭作业是就污染问题写一篇两页的作文。This painting points to another recurring theme in Munch's work.这幅画体现了蒙克作品中另一个常见的主题。His later novels develop the theme of alienation.他后期的小说发展了异化这一主题。The party had a Hawaiian luau theme.这次聚会是夏威夷式宴会的风格。Love is a theme that is overdone in the movies.爱情这一主题在电影中泛滥成灾。Race is a recurrent theme in the work.种族问题是该作品里多次出现的主题。The book's theme is the conflict between love and duty.本书的主题是爱与责任之间的冲突。The loss of innocence is a recurrent theme in his stories.纯真丧失是他故事中反复出现的主题。Within ten years the theme park was turning over £20 million.十年内,这座主题公园的营业额达到了两千万英镑。My mother waxed eloquent on the theme of wifely duty.我母亲大谈为妻之道。The central theme of this novel is the desire for money.这部小说的中心主题是对金钱的追求。The theme of jealousy runs through a lot of her work.嫉妒这个主题普遍存在于她的许多作品中。The theme of freedom recurs throughout her writing.自由这一主题在她的写作中反复出现。The growing deficit was a dominant theme in the election.赤字增长是竞选中的首要议题。His newest book is just a slight variation on a familiar theme.他最近出版的新书只是在大家都熟知的主题上稍有一些变化而已。The management confirmed it had bolstered security at its theme parks.管理部门证实已经加强了主题公园的安全工作。His numerous complaints are all variations on a theme.他满腹的牢骚说来道去都是一件事。Many theories on punishment exist, all of which are variations on a theme.关于惩罚的理论有很多,虽形式略有不同,但其主旨都是一样的。Your comments are an excursion from the major theme.你的话偏离了主题。Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country.她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个主题游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。The barn dance will have a country theme and there will be prizes for the best-dressed cowboys and cowgirls.谷仓舞会有一个乡村主题,而且会有奖品颁给着装最佳的男女牛仔。




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