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词汇 the little
例句 I saw lights twinkling in the little town below us.我看到我们下面的小镇灯火闪烁。You notice the little pencilled mark in the corner of the postcards that says when they have to be removed.注意这些明信片角上标明的它们何时要被取下的铅笔字标记。The tempest raved and threatened to tear the little boat to pieces.暴风雨肆虐,几乎要把小船撕成碎片。He went across to the little girl and asked her if she was lost.她走到小女孩面前,问她是否迷路了。Speech appeared in the little girl's second year.这小女孩在一岁多时开始说话。She spit into the little tray of mascara and brushed it on her lashes.她朝一小盒睫毛膏里吐了点唾沫,然后蘸了一点刷到自己的睫毛上。On holidays the little place wakes up.每逢假日,这个小地方就会变得喧闹活跃。Curiously enough he had never seen the little girl.说也奇怪,他竟从未见过那个小女孩。She bent down and scooped up the little dog.她弯腰捧起小狗。The cottage was on the neck of the little peninsula.这小屋坐落在面积不大的半岛的狭长地带上。The wind rounded out the sails as the little boat rushed along.小船驶得飞快,风将船帆吹得鼓鼓的。Children? I can't stand the little bleeders!孩子?我可受不了那些烦人的小家伙!A narrow road wound up the hillside towards the little house.一条窄路曲曲折折地往山坡上延伸,通向那幢小房子。The afternoon light flooded the little rooms.下午的阳光充满了各个小屋。The old man petted the little dog.老人抚弄着小狗。Suddenly the little girl gave a cry in her sleep.那小女孩在睡梦中突然发出一声喊叫。The waves swallowed up the little boat.波浪吞没了小船。She sat at the little desk out front of Professor Hill's office.她坐在希尔教授办公室门外的小桌旁。She was too well bred to want to hurt the little boy's feelings.她很有涵养,不想去伤害小男孩儿的感情。She tried to thrust back the little stabs of homesickness.她努力排遣涌上心头的思乡之情。Everything was very still inside the little chapel. Nothing broke the silence.小教堂里一片寂静,没有什么打破这死寂。She put some pesos into the little girl's outstretched hand.她将几个比绍放进小女孩伸出的手中。The wretched look on the little girl's face made him sorry.小女孩脸上痛苦的表情让他很难受。Luckily the little girl was wearing several layers of warm clothing.幸运的是这个小姑娘穿了好几层保暖的衣服。I'd like to thank all the little people who made my success possible.我要感谢所有那些助我成功的平民百姓。For the little extra it'll cost, we might just as well stay for another night.只需多花一点儿钱,我们完全可以再住一晚。John liked to kick around the little boys.约翰喜欢欺侮小孩。Music blasted from the little radio.从小收音机里播出刺耳的音乐声。I had to fight back the urge to give the little blighter a clip round the ear.我竭力控制住了自己的冲动,才没有抽这个讨厌的小家伙一个耳光。He could just about see the little man behind the counter.他勉强能看到柜台后面的小个子男人。Move over and let the little girl sit down.挪过去点,让这小女孩坐。We wonder that the little boy is a university student.我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生。He made a surreptitious entrance to the club through the little door in the brick wall.他从砖墙的小门偷偷进入俱乐部。We fostered the little girl while her mother was in hospital.这小姑娘的母亲住院时,我们领养了她。Keith gently handed me the little baby girl.基思小心地把女婴交给了我。My cat started off as soon as he smelt the little dog.我的猫咪一闻到小狗身上的气味便马上跳开跑掉了。The children have been teasing the cat, the little villains!孩子们一直在逗弄猫儿,这些小淘气鬼! Can you see the little fellow walking into the pie?你能看到那个正贪婪吃馅饼的小家伙吗?She wrenched the little boy from her husband's arms.她从丈夫的怀里抢走了小男孩。She turned on the overhead light and looked around the little room.她打开了吊灯,环视这个小房间。




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