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词汇 the level of
例句 I am delighted with the level of commitment you have all shown.我对你们表现出的高度热情感到高兴。You should ascertain the level of insurance cover from the car rental company.你应该向汽车租赁公司打听清楚保险的范围。He considered the level of tax excessive.他认为税收过重。Unions and management seem ready to compromise on the level of the increase.工会和资方看来准备在工资提高的幅度上相互让步。There is a feeling among some black people that the level of racism is declining.一些黑人感到种族歧视的程度在下降。Computers raised the level of sophistication of these maps.计算机的应用提高了这些地图的精度。Her concern about cleanliness approaches the level of obsession.她讲求干净几乎到了洁癖的程度。We have already seen an increase in the level of emergency admissions.我们已经留意到了急诊人数的上升。The water rose to the level of the ground floor windows.水涨到了一楼的窗户那么高。The results show the level of frustration among hospital doctors.这些结果显示了医院医生的不满程度。A simple blood test is used to measure the level of alcohol in the blood.采用简单的血液测试来测定血液里的酒精含量。His English is way above the level of the other students.他的英语比其他同学要好很多。How well a child does at school is influenced by the level of parental education.父母所受的教育水平影响到孩子在学校里的表现。Mental life is characteristically human and above the level of sheer animality.精神生活是人类所独有的高于纯粹动物性的一种特征。He rose to the level of general manager.他升到了总经理的级别。The largest stone can be seen protruding above the level of the river.可以看到,最大的石头露出了河面。Poor soil has constrained the level of crop production.土地贫瘠限制了农作物的产量。Lie on your side, use your hand for support, and lift your leg to the level of your shoulder.侧身躺着,用手作支撑,把腿抬到齐肩的高度。Increasing the number of patrol cars on the street has not had any effect on the level of serious crime.增加街上巡逻车的数量对于严重犯罪的数量没有丝毫影响。Our principal responsibility is to bring down the level of unemployment.我们的主要责任是降低失业率。Senate negotiators further narrowed their differences over the level of federal spending for anti-drug programs.关于联邦政府在反毒品项目上的支出问题,参议院的谈判代表们进一步缩小了分歧。Charges are made on a sliding scale, which means that the amount you must pay increases with the level of your income.费用按浮动费率缴纳,这意味着你必须缴纳的金额会随着收入水平的提高而增加。Two incidents in recent days have raised the level of concern.最近发生的两起事件引发了更多人的关注。Check the level of fluid in the tank.检查一下水箱里的液面高度。No one below the level of senior manager was present at the meeting.高级经理职位以下没有人出席会议。Each path is coded to show the level of difficulty.每条路线都按困难程度编了号。She rose to the level of manager.她升职当了经理。It would take many decades to build up the level of education and sophistication.教养和人情世故需要好几十年的时间来积累。The course material depends on the level of ability of the student.教材根据学生的能力水平而定。The government's policies have so far had little effect in reducing the level of inflation.政府的政策对于降低通货膨胀水平到目前为止没什么作用。The newspaper's editorial standards have sunk to the level of tabloid journalism.该报的编辑标准已经沦落到小报新闻的水平了。There will be no alteration in the level of subsidy.补助金的标准将不会改变。They have brought ordinary food to the level of the sublime. 他们把普通食物做成美味佳肴。Hang the picture just below the level of the window.把画挂在比窗户略低的地方。They were asked to indicate the level of distress they experienced as a result of their experiences.他们需要说明曾经经历的事给他们造成了多大的压力。The difference in the level of the sea at high tide and low tide is very large.在满潮和低潮时海平面差异很大。They are going to raise the level of the banks to prevent flooding.他们要加高堤岸以防洪水。It is important to be aware of the level of formality required at any social function.注意不同社交活动的特定礼节是很重要的。They were living barely above the level of subsistence.他们的生活勉强维持在温饱水平上。




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