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词汇 the land
例句 The flood devoured the land.洪水淹没了陆地。In National Parks, although the land is privately owned, there are strict controls on the use of the land.国家公园的土地虽为私人所有,但是用地有严格的限制。The central bank will provide special loans, and the banks will pledge the land as security.中央银行会提供特殊贷款,而这些银行会以土地作为抵押。The two governments are currently in a standoff over who has rights to the land.关于那块土地的所有权问题双方政府目前僵持不下。The investors have a proprietary interest in the land.投资者拥有土地的所有权。Living off the land was hard enough at the best of times.即使在年景最好的时候,务农为生也是相当艰辛的。Since he owns the land, he thinks he should be free to use it for his own benefit. 因为他拥有这块土地,所以他认为可以根据自己的利益需要随意使用它。They hold the land as trustees for the infant.他们作为受托人为这位幼儿持有这块土地。He developed a malignant hatred for the land of his birth.他对自己的故土产生了强烈的怨恨。The widow returned to the land of the living by accepting an invitation to our party.那位寡妇接受我们请她参加晚会的邀请,从而恢复了同外界的接触。Its use impoverished the land.使用它的结果使得土地贫瘠了。Both sides were staking a claim to the land.双方都声明对这块土地拥有所有权。The team would go in, ascertain the lie of the land, and report back.小分队将进入现场,了解情况后发回报告。The oil company has just succeeded in closing a deal for the land.石油公司刚刚完成了一笔土地交易。We should go up and take possession of the land.我们应该北上占领那片土地。The council granted outline permission for the construction of a house on the land.委员会初步批准在这块土地上建房。She was partying till the early hours, so I don't imagine she'll be in the land of the living before lunchtime.她在晚会上一直玩到凌晨,所以我想午饭之前她是不会睡醒的。We must clear the land of the enemy.我们必须把敌人扫荡干净。She now become the legal owner of the land.她现在成了这块地的合法主人。You should see how the land lies before going into business on your own.你在自己创业之前应当先了解情况。The proprietor is trying to improve the land.该业主正试图提高这块地的价值。The company has lapsed the right to the use of the land.这家公司已经丧失了这块土地的使用权。He plowed the land and then sowed the seeds.他先翻土,然后播种。America, the land of opportunity美国,一个充满机遇的国度These people contend that they have earned the right to the land.这些人声称他们已经获得这片土地的所有权。The sea retains the sun's warmth longer than the land.海水储存太阳的热量的时间比陆地要长。A right-of-way runs with the land.他人对这块土地有通行权。The prisoners are farmed out to work on the land.囚犯被当作劳力出租在田里干活。His perspicacious grandfather had bought the land as an investment, guessing that there might be gold underground.他睿智的祖父投资买下了这块地,认为地下可能有黄金。John had made over to him most of the land.约翰把绝大部分土地都转让给了他。You need to get permission from the farmer who owns the land.你要得到拥有这块土地的农场主的同意。They thought of America as the land of plenty.他们认为美国是一个富足的国家。The king's benevolence was known throughout the land.这位国王的宽厚仁慈名扬天下。The dam broke and in result the land was flooded.堤坝垮了,结果土地被淹。The main point of contention is who has the rights to the land.争论的焦点是谁有权拥有这个岛。We drove around the area where our new house is to spy out the land.我们驾车在新房子的周边地区转了一圈,了解一下环境。Most of the land has now been brought into cultivation.大部分土地现在都被用于耕种。I hadn't heard from him for years and was glad to find him still in the land of the living.多年没有音信,发现他还活着,我真是高兴。The company bought the land last year.该公司于去年买下了这块地。The fire laid waste to the land. 这场火灾焚毁了这片土地。




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