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词汇 the earth
例句 The satellite is circumaviating the earth.卫星正在围绕着地球飞行。They rejected the dogma that the earth is the center of the universe.他们不相信地球中心说。That is actually a cavity in the earth.那其实是一个地下洞穴。A deep hole in the earth gaped before us.我们面前的地上裂开了一个深坑。In his autobiography he described his life as an explorer in some of the remotest parts of the earth.他在自传中记述了他在地球上一些最偏远地区的探险生活。They dug deep into the bowels of the earth.他们向地下深处挖掘。He finished with a light press of the earth over the newly planted seed.他最后在新播下的种子上轻轻压了压土。I am going to go to the ends of the earth to make sure something is done about these ridiculous laws.我将不遗余力地确保这些荒谬的法律得到改进。The plane plummeted towards the earth.那架飞机直坠向地面。The dog burrowed into the earth, looking for the bone.那条狗在地上掘洞寻找那根骨头。We will search the ends of the earth if we have to.如果有必要,我们可以走遍天涯海角去寻找。Their ship was compassing the earth.他们的船正围绕着地球环行。The moon revolves around the earth.月球围绕着地球运转。She planted the seeds and trod the earth down.她埋下种子,把土踩实。It cost me the earth to have Jemima's teeth fixed.给杰迈玛修整牙齿花了我一大笔钱。The sky diver dropped toward the earth.延缓张伞跳伞者降落到地上。The revolution of the earth around the sun was proposed by Copernicus.地球围绕太阳旋转这一观点是哥白尼提出的。The moon circuits round the earth.月亮绕地球环行。I wiped the earth off the coin and inspected it closely.我擦去这枚钱币上的泥土,仔细察看。Politicians will promise the earth when they're trying to get elected.政客们在竞选时会给出一大堆不可能实现的承诺。People came from the four corners of the earth to see the sight.世界各地的人们前来观看这一景象。After planting these seeds, saturate the earth round them.撒下这些种子以后,给周围的土浇透水。We can assume that the moon will continue to go around the earth until the end of time.我们可以认定月亮会一直不停地继续围绕地球旋转。Steve has disappeared off the face of the earth.史蒂夫消失得无影无踪。We can see comets only when they come close to the earth.只有当彗星接近地球时,我们才能看得见它们。Night folded the earth.夜幕笼罩着大地。The moon cast its soft glow on the earth below.月亮把柔和的光辉投向大地。Eating organically needn't cost the earth.并不是非得花一大笔钱才吃得到有机食品。Many species have now vanished from the earth.许多物种已在地球上绝迹了。The stars are more distant from the earth than the sun.星星比太阳离地球更为遥远。The sun warmed up the earth nicely.太阳把大地照得暖融融的。Labourers with picks and shovels had to dig deep to remove the earth.劳工们只好用镐头和铲子深挖,将泥土移走。We need to remember that the fruits of the earth belong to us all.我们要牢记大地的馈赠是属于我们大家的。The horizon is the line where the sky meets the earth.地平线是天地相连的那条线。I haven't seen Paul in ages; he seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.我很久没见到保罗了,他好像已经从地球上消失了。The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water.古人认为地球飘浮在水里。The first blades of grass speared out of the earth.第一批青草的叶片破土而出。The moon circles the earth.月球围绕着地球运转。Space satellites are ping-ponging video news from every point of the earth to every other point.航天卫星正在全世界范围内来回传送着电视新闻。Wind is caused by the sun drawing up moisture from the earth.太阳从地球上吸收水汽形成了风。




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