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词汇 test for
例句 The calls for tax reform pose a severe test for the government.税改呼声对政府构成了严峻考验。The mayoral election is regarded as the litmus test for the integrity of the electoral process.市长竞选被认为是检验选举程序是否完善的试金石。He's going to have a screen test for a speaking part.他将参加一个有台词角色的试镜。Blood samples from the animals are being tested for the presence of the virus.动物的血样正在接受检测,看其中是否存在这种病毒。The Council is introducing means tests for housing tenants.该委员会正在调查房屋租户的收入情况。The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy.风能作为动力的成功是对可再生能源一次立见分晓的检验。The entrance tests for people wishing to enter the diplomatic service are particularly rigorous.那些想进外交部门任职的人要参加的入职考试特别严格。The vote will be a litmus test for how serious the international community is about tackling environmental problems.这次投票将是检验国际社会对解决环境问题的认真程度的试金石。Doctors will tell you that pregnancy is the only sure test for fertility.医生会告诉你怀孕是检测生育能力的唯一可靠方法。The party is using attitudes about gun control as a litmus test for political candidates.这个政党把对控制枪支的态度视为检验党内候选人的试金石。They will test for the presence of lead in the soil.他们将检测土壤中是否含铅。Potential donors can be tested for suitability.潜在供体可以接受适合性检验。All the cars are tested for defects before they leave the factory.所有汽车在出厂前都作过检测。The trucks were all tested for roadworthiness.这些卡车都通过了路试检测。The tests for hepatitis were negative.肝炎检查结果是阴性。Under the new regime, all sheep and cattle will be regularly tested for disease.根据新制度,所有牛羊都要定期进行疾病检测。There is a simple test for diabetes.有一种简单的检测方法可验出糖尿病。He has failed a dope test for cocaine.他未能通过可卡因药检。My doctor wants me to be tested for diabetes.我的医生要我去做个检查,看是否患有糖尿病。It is important to test for ripeness.为求完美,尝试是相当重要的。Athletes competing in the tournament will be tested for illegal drugs.参加锦标赛的运动员们将进行违禁药物检测。She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded.六年来,她一直努力想通过驾照考试,终于得偿所愿。All subjects were tested for perfect hearing before the experiment began.在实验开始前,所有接受实验者都先做了听力健全测试。After installing, you should test for connectivity.你应该在安装之后测试它的连接性能。He's been feeling down since he failed his driving test for the fifth time.他第五次驾驶考试又没通过,从那以后他一直情绪很低落。He used different methods to test for allergies.他用不同的方法测定变态反应性。The committee is calling for national tests for American schoolchildren.该委员会呼吁对全美小学生实行全国测验。The cars are routinely tested for safety and reliability before leaving the factory.汽车出厂前都要作安全性和可靠性的例行测试。He's been tested for diabetes.他作了糖尿病检查。The company is thinking of introducing medical tests for all employees.公司正考虑为所有员工安排体检。The water is being tested for signs of chemical pollution.水正进行测试,检查是否受到化学污染。Squeeze the fruit to test for ripeness.捏一下水果查看成熟程度。The school uses a variety of tests for its annual student assessments. 学校采用各种不同的测试方法对学生进行年度测评。She had her eyes tested for farsightedness.她请医生检查了她的视力,看看是否有远视。The water should be tested for lead.这水要检测含铅量。




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