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词汇 terrifying
例句 These terrifying thoughts sometimes kept me awake for hours.这些可怕的想法有时候让我几个小时不得入睡。It was a truly terrifying experience.这是一次真正令人胆寒的经历。The lurches and lunges of the boat were terrifying.这船的摇晃和冲刺真叫人害怕。He raised his hand and struck her with terrifying force.他举起手狠命地打她。Last night he relived his terrifying ordeal.昨夜他又一次体验了那种可怕的折磨。Rabies has been described as one of the most terrifying diseases known to man.狂犬病被称为人类已知的最可怕的疾病之一。There was a terrifying crash, and the house seemed to shake.随着一下恐怖的撞击,房子似乎在摇晃。The sound was terrifying to him, but he had no time to look about him.那声音听上去很骇人,但他无暇往四下看一看。The horror of this, so nakedly terrifying, held them all silent.该事之恐怖,实在令人毛骨悚然,他们都吓得一声不吭。He told her of his terrifying experience.他向她讲述了他的可怕经历。I find it terrifying to be surrounded by large numbers of horses.我觉得被一大群马包围着很恐怖。The hostages were eventually released after undergoing a terrifying ordeal.人质在经历了极其可怕的折磨之后终于获释。A terrifying sight greeted my eyes.一个恐怖的景象呈现在我眼前。I find the thought of eternity terrifying.想到时间的永无休止,我感到害怕。I opened my eyes, and tried to banish the terrifying images of the plane falling from the sky, and crashing into the sea.我睁开双眼,想把飞机从空中坠落掉入大海的恐怖景象驱除掉。When angry or excited, however, he could be wild, profane, and terrifying.但愤怒或激动的时候,他也会发狂、会骂人、令人生畏。He is terrifying when he's roused.他激动时样子真可怕。Suddenly a phantom appeared out of the mist, terrifying the hikers.突然,薄雾中出现一个幽灵,吓坏了远足的人。The soccer star went on a terrifying six-week cocaine binge.那位足球明星毫无节制地吸食可卡因达六周之久,令人惊骇。The thought of dying alone was terrifying.一想到要孤独终老就令人恐惧。Juvenile crime is increasing at a terrifying rate.青少年犯罪正在以惊人的速度增长。She was possessed of a terrifying sensation that the life was being squeezed slowly out of her.她有一种可怕的感觉,自己的生命正在慢慢凋零。I have always found the thought of eternity terrifying.我向来觉得永生的想法很可怕。It had been a terrifying ordeal, but now, at last, he was free.那是一场可怕的苦难经历,但现在他终于获得了自由。They stopped me, and I saw that they had a gun. It was terrifying.他们把我拦住,我看到他们有枪。真是可怕极了。The new vaccine may rid the world of one of its most terrifying diseases.这种新疫苗可能会消除世界上最可怕的一种疾病。It was terrifying. We might have been killed.好可怕,我们差点没命了。I still find it terrifying to find myself surrounded by large numbers of horses.我仍旧觉得被一大群马包围很可怕。The plane was shuddering and lurching in the most terrifying manner.飞机在震颤摇晃,其样子极为怕人。The wooden bridge swung from side to side in a terrifying fashion.木桥吓人地左右晃动。




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