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词汇 temper
例句 His bad temper is a disadvantage.他的坏脾气是个不利条件。He had an irascible temper.他过去脾气暴躁。Her husband has a terrible temper and lashes out at her when he's angry.她丈夫脾气很坏,生气时就骂她。She wreaked her bad temper on her son.她冲著儿子发脾气。He would lose his temper at the slightest provocation.只要稍有招惹,他就大发脾气。In a fit of bad temper, Dougie threw the deep fat fryer overboard.一气之下,道吉把那个又深又大的油炸锅扔了。Diana was determined not to lose her temper with him.黛安娜决意不对他发火。He flew into a temper.他大发了一通脾气。I lost my temper and belted into him.我勃然大怒,向他猛击。People think she's all sweetness and light, but she actually has a temper.人们都认为她亲切和善,但实际上她的脾气很坏。I knew they were trying to annoy me but I was determined to keep my temper.我知道他们想激怒我,但我还是决心忍住不发火。He loses his temper at the slightest thing.一丁点儿小事他都会发脾气。He has a sweet temper.他性格很好。For others, especially the young and foolish, the state will temper justice with mercy.对待其他人时,尤其是年轻人和愚蠢的人,国家会刚柔并济。She so admirably controlled her temper.她很好地控制住自己不发脾气。He has a volatile temper.他脾气反复无常。His hot temper was making it increasingly difficult for others to work with him.他的火暴脾气使得别人越来越难以和他合作。I learned to temper my criticism.我学会了批评别人时语气要缓和些。My grandfather became fierce when he lost his temper.我的祖父发脾气时变得很粗暴。He is cursed with a violent temper.他深受暴躁脾气之害。He loses his temper now and then, but not often.他有时要发发脾气,但不是常发。That temper of yours is going to get you into trouble.你的那种坏脾气会给你带来麻烦的。They told him to keep his temper corked up or else.他们告诉他要收敛脾气,不然有他好看的。She clawed at my shirt in her temper.她大发脾气一把抓住我的衬衫。She drew in a breath, reined in her temper.她深吸了一口气,控制住自己的脾气。He's in a vile mood/temper today.他今天的情绪/脾气很糟糕。He was a man of the most equable temper.他是一个脾气非常温和的人。She lost her temper, but soon came to herself.她发了脾气,但很快就冷静下来了。Harris is a belligerent man with an explosive temper.哈里斯是个争强好胜的人,脾气火爆。I lost my temper and told him straight that I hadn't been looking for any job.我生气了,直截了当地告诉他我压根儿就没在找工作。He has an ugly disposition/temper.他的性情/脾气很暴躁。He has a quick temper.他性子很急。Ernest had a short fuse and a very nasty temper.厄内斯特脾气暴躁,动辄发怒。You need to keep your temper in check!你得控制自己的脾气!He let his temper get the better of him. 他气得失去了理智。Zoe's temper tantrums had increased both in volume and duration.佐伊的脾气发作起来不仅程度更严重,而且时间也持续得更久了。The children behaved so badly that I lost my temper.孩子们太不懂规矩了,我不由得发了火。He has a quick temper. 他是个急性子。He needs to learn to control his temper.他得学会控制自己的脾气。He is famous for his ferocious temper.他脾气暴躁是出了名的。




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