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Her technical accomplishment on the piano is impressive.她在钢琴技巧方面的造诣令人惊叹。Their technical ability is exceptional.他们技艺超群。The technical details were over my head. 那些技术细节我理解不了。These technical words mean nothing to me.我对这些技术词汇的意思一窍不通。He's just written a book: large format, nicely illustrated and not too technical.他刚出了本书:大开本,插图精美,专业性也不太强。She possesses complete technical mastery of her instrument.她能非常娴熟地演奏她的乐器。On the technical front, there have been a number of important developments.技术领域有了一系列重大进步。The technical superiority of laser discs over tape is well established.激光影碟相对于磁带的技术优势早已牢牢确立。Don't punish our brain with technical terminology.别用术语来让我们伤脑筋了。To the lay mind, these technical terms are incomprehensible.对外行人来讲,这些技术术语是无法理解的。Even people with a technical background will struggle to understand some of the jargon.有些术语即便是有专业技术背景的人也要费很大劲儿才能理解。The technical specifications are virtually unreadable to the average consumer.普通消费者几乎看不懂专业说明书。The mission had to be aborted because of a technical problem.因为技术问题,该项任务不得不中止。Hendrix's sounds were remarkably the result of very little technical gimmickry.难能可贵的是,亨德里克斯的声线极少有技巧雕琢的痕迹。We've hit a technical snag-the printer isn't compatible with my PC.我们遇到了一个技术障碍:打印机和我的个人电脑不兼容。Software developers need to be aware that not all users are technical experts.软件开发者得知道,并非所有用户都是技术专家。A lot of the discussions were highly technical.很多讨论都是非常专业的。The company has a toll-free number that offers technical assistance to anyone who needs it.这家公司有一个可以免费拨打的电话号码,为需要的人提供技术支援。The cause of the accident is the conjunction of technical and managerial factors.事故的原因是技术因素和管理因素共同造成的。They are offering merely technical assistance.他们仅仅是在提供技术援助。The book's technical subject and dense prose will discourage many readers.此书的专业性主题和晦涩的散文叙说会使许多读者望而却步。There are still a few technical problems/obstacles/hurdles to be surmounted before the product can be put on sale to the public.在这个产品面向大众销售之前,还有一些技术问题要解决。This book is too technical for the general reader.这本书对一般读者来讲太专门化了。The carving shows remarkable technical skill.这件雕刻品显示出非凡的技术熟巧。She reported several recurrences of the same technical fault.她报告说同样的技术错误出现了好几次。In her performance as the Snow Queen she showed great technical brilliance.她演冰雪女王时展示出了高超的演技。Let's pass over the technical details and get straight to the parts that really interest you.咱们跳过技术细节直接到你感兴趣的部分。Wyck's business consists of helping, for a fee, computer owners who are in a technical fix.怀克的业务是为电脑出现技术故障的人提供收费服务。The rocket launch was delayed because of a technical fault.由于出现一个技术故障,火箭发射被推迟了。Most computer ads used to be loaded with technical specifications, virtually unreadable to the average consumer.以前的大多数电脑广告里都会有很多专业说明,普通消费者几乎看不懂。They advise the BBC on technical problems.他们给英国广播公司提供技术问题方面的建议。There was a lack of managerial and technical know-how in the steel industry.钢铁业缺乏管理方面和技术方面的实际知识。The team's technical limitations were exposed by the Italians.意大利人使这个队的技术缺陷暴露无遗。He currently holds the position of technical manager.他目前担任技术经理的职务。He charged himself with the task of overcoming a technical difficulty.他自动承担了攻克技术难关的任务。I'm a lost cause when it comes to anything technical.一遇到技术问题,我就不行了。Reading from a tedious technical brief for hours on end, he would stray into difficult territory.连续看上几个小时枯燥的技术简报后,他会不由自主地钻起牛角尖来。The system is still plagued by technical faults.这个系统还存在技术故障问题。Use clear English in preference to technical language.要用简明的英语,而不是专业术语。Paganini was a brilliant violinist, famous for his technical skill in both playing and composing music.帕格尼尼是一位卓越的小提琴演奏家,演奏和作曲技巧都享有盛名。 |