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词汇 tasks
例句 These are the tasks cut out for this week.这些是安排在这星期做的工作。I have many household tasks to do today.我今天有许多家务要做。She filled her days with trivial tasks.她让一些琐细的事务占据了自己的全部时间。Girls do better on open-ended tasks that require them to think for themselves.女孩子更擅长需要独立思考的开放式任务。Scientists have long wondered which parts of the brain are involved in musical tasks.科学家们一直想知道大脑的哪些部分是用来处理音乐的。The boss used to give me all the hard tasks.老板过去总把所有艰巨的任务都交给我。It can handle even the most complex graphic jobs, freeing up your computer for other tasks.它可以处理哪怕是最复杂的图形作业,空出计算机以便用于其他任务。Two or three tasks still remain outstanding.有两三项任务尚未完成。Minor tasks should be delegated to your assistant.次要的工作应交给你的助手去做。She had difficulty with even the most elementary tasks.她甚至做最简单的工作都有困难。Is there a particular sequence in which you have to perform these tasks?你是否得按一定的顺序完成这些任务?Build confidence by assigning tasks which draw on an employee's areas of strength.通过分派能发挥雇员长处的任务来建立信心。Most of the workers did not have the skills required to perform the most basic tasks.大多数工人都不具备完成最基本任务所需的技能。These systems are capable of performing multitudes of tasks.这些系统能完成许许多多不同的任务。Gender ideology still has an important role in determining how couples allocate household tasks.性别意识形态在夫妻家务分配中仍然扮演着重要角色。Part of the management course was teaching us how to differentiate essential tasks from less important ones.管理课中有一部分内容是教我们如何将重要任务与较不重要的任务加以区别。Routine tasks are often delegated to inexperienced young doctors.例行工作经常委派缺乏经验的年轻医生去做。His manual dexterity and fine spatial skills were wasted on routine tasks.他灵巧的动手能力和杰出的空间识别能力都浪费在日常事务上了。List the tasks in order of priority.把各项任务按重要程度依次列出来。The tasks will be clearly defined by the tutor.这些任务将由导师来说明。She somehow manages to juggle a dozen tasks at once.她总是有办法同时处理多项任务。Be willing to do mundane tasks with good grace.要乐于承担平凡的工作。We try to ring the changes in the way we allocate tasks so that people don't get bored.我们试图变换一下分配任务的方式,这样大家就不会厌烦了。One teacher is coping manfully with a wide range of tasks.一名教师正在果断地处理一大堆任务。These systems are capable of performing multitudes of different tasks.这些系统能执行许多不同的工作。The old software is still perfectly adequate for most tasks.这一款旧软件仍然足以应付大部分工作。She got her feet wet at her new job by doing some simple filing tasks.她通过做一些简单的文案工作慢慢熟悉新工作。The system is geared to handle several tasks at once.这个系统可同时处理多项任务。Teaching is one of the holiest tasks.教书是最神圣的工作之一。Prioritizing activities and allocating time to certain tasks is essential to surviving this hectic time.确定活动的优先次序并把时间分配给某些任务是成功挺过这段忙乱时期的关键。Raising your child to tell the difference between right and wrong is one of the fundamental tasks of parenthood.培养孩子懂得分辨是非是父母的基本任务之一。She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks.她白天忙着处理行政工作。She played/acted dumb so we would assign her the easier tasks.她故意装傻充愣,好让我们给她分配轻松点的活儿。I thought that cooking and housekeeping were unimportant, easy tasks.我认为做饭和家务是轻而易举的小事。You will prove more than equal to the tasks ahead.你们将证明自己足以胜任面临的工作。The muddle-headed make heavy weather of the simplest tasks.头脑糊涂的人会把最简单的工作弄得困难重重。Tom can now carry out uncomplicated tasks without help.汤姆现在可以无需帮助而完成一些简单的任务。If tedious tasks could be eradicated, the world would be a much better place.如果可以消灭那些单调乏味的工作,世界将会变得更加美好。Ruth went about her tasks in a dream.鲁丝工作时心不在焉。Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.凯莉顶着艰巨的任务和挑战坚持下去,并取得了胜利。




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