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词汇 task force
例句 He's the new chairman of the task force on school violence.他是处理校园暴力的特别小组的新任组长。The task force had broad representation with members drawn from different departments.特别工作组的成员来自不同的部门,具有广泛的代表性。The equipment of the task force was costly and time-consuming.装备那支特遣部队花了很多财力和时间。They created a task force to study this problem.他们成立了一个特别小组来研究这个问题。The government has set up a special task force on health-care reform.政府成立了一个医疗改革专门工作组。The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens.美国正要派遣一支海军特遣队赶赴该地区疏散美国公民。They cannibalized three aircraft carriers and a number of warships to form a task force.他们抽调了三艘航空母舰和一些战舰组成一支特遣部队。The commander of the German task force radioed that he was breaking off the action.德国特遣部队指挥官用无线电发报称他将中止这次行动。The despatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.派出特遣部队纯粹是应急之举。The United States has a naval task force offshore, with two thousand marines aboard.美国在近海驻有海军特遣部队,船上共两千名海军陆战队官兵。A task force has formed to develop voluntary guidelines.成立了特别小组以制定自愿准则。The task force slid into the night and vanished.特遣队隐入夜色中消失。The task force is comprised of congressional leaders, cabinet heads and administration officials.工作小组由国会领导人、内阁首脑和行政官员组成。The task force will concentrate on stopping the theft of trade secrets.工作组将集中于防范商业机密被人窃取。He's been chosen to chair the task force on school violence.他被选为处理校园暴力的特别小组的组长。They appointed a task force to review the situation.他们派了一个特别工作组核查情况。We have set up a task force to look at the question of women returning to work.我们已经成立了一个工作组去调查妇女复工的问题。Retired teachers have formed a task force to help schools in the area.退休教师组成了一个特别工作组,为该地区的学校提供帮助。




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