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词汇 tails
例句 Heads or tails?你猜是正面还是反面?I couldn't make heads or tails of her reaction.对于她的反应,我无法理解。He wore a top hat and tails.他戴着高顶大礼帽,身穿燕尾服。Some types of dinosaur had sharp spikes on their tails.有些种类的恐龙尾部有锋利的尖突。The horses swished their tails to get rid of the flies hovering around them.马唰唰地甩动尾巴,赶走在周围飞来飞去的苍蝇。He was not at all like a dog with two tails.他丝毫没有得意忘形。Let's toss a coin. Heads, we don't go; tails, we do.咱们抛硬币决定吧。正面,我们不去;背面,我们去。Striped tails are a common feature of many animals.尾巴上有条纹是许多动物的共同特征。Do you think we should sit on our tails until that happens?你认为我们应该坐等那种事情发生吗? Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails.有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的尾巴。Horses flick their tails to make flies go away.这些马轻甩尾巴驱赶苍蝇。I called heads and it came down tails.我要了正面,可落下来却是反面朝上。I'll toss a coin, you choose heads or tails.我掷硬币,你选正反。A lamb with 2 tails is a freak of nature.有两条尾巴的小羊是畸形的。Salmon thrash their tails and leap from the water.大马哈鱼猛烈甩动尾巴,跳出水面。Some animals, as the fox and squirrel, have bushy tails.有些动物,诸如狐和松鼠,有蓬毛尾巴。The bears showed their stub-tails.那些熊露出了它们又粗又短的尾巴。He ran into the street, the tails of his crumped shirt flying.他疾步奔上大街,皱皱巴巴衬衫的后背下摆飘拂不停。You're wearing your shirt-tails outside your jeans.你的衬衣下摆拖在牛仔裤的外面了。Make sure to give any tails the slip.注意一定要把钉梢的人甩掉。Peacocks use their beautiful tails to attract mates.孔雀用美丽的尾巴来吸引配偶。The Nationalist armies and mercenaries were always on their tails.国民军和雇佣兵老在跟踪他们。These pigs all have curly tails.这些猪都是卷尾巴。The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.那些牛甩动着尾巴驱赶苍蝇。His handwriting was so bad that we couldn't make heads or tails out of it.他的书写太乱了,我们看不明白。Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails.贼鸥是飞行速度很快的黑色鸟类,尾部长而分叉。The dogs wagged their tails in greeting.这些狗摇着尾巴表示欢迎。Occasionally they slap the water with their tails or churn it up in play.他们偶尔用尾巴拍打水面,或者搅着水玩儿。He wore sandals and old jeans and his shirt-tails weren't tucked in.他穿着凉鞋、旧仔裤,衬衫下摆也没塞进裤子里。Jerome Bettis correctly called tails but the referee understood him to say heads.杰罗姆·贝蒂斯猜对了,是反面,但裁判却以为他说的是正面。They accused him of riding on the coat-tails of the president.他们指责他是沾了总统的光。It used to be fashionable to dock horses' tails.以前曾经流行把马的尾巴剪短。The team had their tails up after they won their first game.赢了第一场后,所有队员都兴高采烈。Horses try to keep flies off by swishing their tails from side to side.马儿刷刷地左右甩着尾巴驱赶苍蝇。The sheriff was hot on their tails.地方治安官紧紧跟踪他们。I flipped the coin and it came up heads/tails.我抛了硬币,结果正面朝上/背面朝上。Consumers can't always make heads or tails out of the way nutrition is labeled on a food package.消费者不是总能搞得清楚食品包装上标明的营养成分。The losing team went off with their tails between their legs.失利的球队夹着尾巴灰溜溜地走了。He became successful on the coat tails of his father.他依靠父亲的帮助取得了成功。His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs.昨晚,他的队伍灰溜溜地退场了。




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