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词汇 system
例句 I bought new speakers for my stereo system.我为我的立体声音响系统买了新扬声器。There is movement towards something in the nature of a pluralistic system.出现了朝着类似于多元体系转变的倾向。This case could lead to a shake-up of the prison system.这一案件可能会引发监狱体制的变革。The electoral system in this country should be changed.这个国家的选举制度应进行改革。The others were all very disobedient and were always trying to kick against the system.其他人都非常叛逆,并一直试图反抗体制。The data management system has eliminated much of the drudgery of filing.数据管理系统省却了文件归档工作中许多繁重乏味的工作。The building features a state-of-the-art security system.这座建筑配备有最先进的安保系统。A system of channels carries water down from the mountains to irrigate the soil.一套水渠系统引水下山,灌溉土地。This system has an electronic-mail facility.这个系统有电子邮件功能。A defect in the braking system caused several accidents before the car was recalled.这种汽车在被召回之前,其刹车系统中的一个瑕疵已造成了多起事故。The system isn't perfect, but it's been this way for a long time and nobody wants to rock the boat.这个体制并非十全十美,但它已然这样很久了,没人愿意去改变它。The virus can debilitate the body's immune system.病毒会削弱身体的免疫系统。Our new system is working a treat.我们的新系统运转良好。The solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago.太阳系是四十五亿年前形成的。The system allows us complete liberty to do the task as we like.这一体制让我们完全自由地按自己的方法完成任务。Amnesty says there are fundamental flaws in their military justice system.国际特赦组织称他们的军事司法体系存在着根本性的缺陷。Power can be fed from wind generators into the electricity grid system.电力可以从风力发电机流入输电网。This computer system converts typed words into speech.这套电脑系统能把输入的单词转换为语音。The social security system in this country is a mess.这个国家的社会保障制度非常混乱。Gary's been rorting the system, getting both a student allowance and unemployment benefit.加里一直在钻制度的空子,又拿学生补助,又领失业救济。The new radar system is an important part of the country's defences.这个新的雷达系统是该国国防的重要组成部分。The country's justice system is riddled with corrupt judges who accept bribes.这个国家的司法系统充斥着收受贿赂的腐败法官。The Italian political system has been judged to be in terminal crisis for decades.几十年来意大利政治体制一直被认为处于关键阶段。An expert system is a program which organizes and presents pre-existing knowledge.专家系统是一套能够整理并呈现既有知识的电脑程式。The rich will not benefit from the proposed changes to the tax system to the same extent as the lower paid.如果提议的税制改革得以实施,富人和低收入人群的受益程度将会有所区别。If a fire starts in an engine, there is a detection system to pick it up.一旦发动机失火,检测系统就会探测到。Should Havelock become the first Englishman to retain his world title, he will be the last to do so under the present system.如果哈夫洛克成为第一个保住世界冠军头衔的英国人,那么在现有体制下他也将会是最后一个做到这一点的英国人。Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.土星是太阳系中的第二大行星。The city's education system is showing signs of improvement. 这个城市的教育体制似乎有所改善。For great sound quality, this system stands alone.这套组合音响的音质无与伦比。The jury plays an important role in the legal system.陪审团在司法体系中起着重要的作用。We are not doing enough to move students through the educational system with a faster level of skill accretion.让学生在教育系统中更快地增长技能,在这方面我们做得还不够。An efficient public transport system makes sense both environmentally and economically.高效的公共交通系统无论是在环境保护方面还是在经济方面都是有意义的。Four organisations are currently involved in developing the system.目前有四个组织参与开发这个系统。A lot of people think that capitalism is the only system that works, but I disagree.许多人认为资本主义制度是唯一可行的制度,但我不同意。It is a socialist system in which the ownership of the means of production will be socialized.那是一种生产资料所有权被社会化的社会主义制度。She felt lost in the bureaucratic tyrannies of the university system.在大学官僚专制体制内她觉得茫然无措。The ministers issued an affirmation of their faith in the system.部长们表示了对该体制坚定的信心。Most colleges now use the modular system of teaching.大多数大学现在都使用模块化的教学体系。The system is virtually foolproof.这个系统几乎人人都会用。




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