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词汇 sympathy
例句 A wave of sympathy for her swept Ireland.爱尔兰举国上下都同情她。They hugged each other in mute sympathy.他们默默地互相拥抱以示同情。I thought I saw a glimmer of sympathy in Ben's eyes.我想我看见本的眼睛里闪过一丝同情。She went to her best friend for sympathy.她去找自己最好的朋友寻求同情。The judge had no sympathy for people who insisted on taking the law into their own hands. 法官不同情那些执意无视法律、执行私刑的人。He seems to be in sympathy with our views. 他好像赞同我们的意见。A little sympathy makes a world of difference to someone who's been badly treated.对于那些遭到虐待的人来说,一点点同情心就会让他们觉得备受关爱。Many Democrats were in sympathy with Reagan's policies on Nicaragua.许多民主党人士都支持里根对尼加拉瓜的政策。Opinion polls suggest that the two rebels have attracted a lot of sympathy.民意测验显示两名反对者获得了大量支持。They have sympathy for the underdog.他们同情受害者。The President has offered his sympathy to the Georgian people.总统对格鲁吉亚人民表示了同情。Brenda wanted to demonstrate her sympathy in a practical way.布伦达想以实际行动表示她的同情。You won't get any sympathy out of him.你怎么也得不到他的同情。Your sympathy and understanding is the best balm for me in my distress.你的同情和理解就是我在苦痛中最好的安慰。She could not abide sympathy or people fussing over her.她无法忍受别人对她的同情或者过分关心。The pang of sympathy with the victim bit my breast.我同情受害者,痛及五内。The victim's parents have received thousands of messages of sympathy.遇害者的父母收到了数千封慰问信。Thank you for all your expressions of sympathy.谢谢你所有那些慰问的话。He was getting heartily sick of all the false sympathy.所有这些假惺惺的同情让他反感。My husband joins me in offering our sincere sympathy to you and to Susan at this sad time.我和我丈夫在这伤心的时刻向你和苏珊表示诚挚的慰问。She received little reassurance or sympathy.她几乎没有得到安慰或同情。The railway workers have come out in sympathy with the miners.铁路工人因为同情矿工而罢工了。The jury's verdict was clearly influenced by their sympathy for the defendant.陪审团的判决显然受到他们对被告的同情的影响。I don't ever recall her complaining. Neither did she ask for sympathy.我从不记得她有抱怨过。她也从不需要别人的同情。My sympathy lies with his wife.我同情他的妻子。You have my deepest sympathy, and my thoughts are with you.我向你深表同情,并为你感到担心。Their initial gush of sympathy gradually dried up.他们最初怀有的深切同情渐渐地消失了。We extend our sympathy to the families of the victims.我们向遇难者家属致以慰问。Our deepest sympathy goes out to his wife and family.我们对他的妻子和家人表示最深切的同情。One former city councillor evinced some sympathy for the defendants.一位前市议员对这些被告表示些许同情。There's some sympathy for this new country's growing pains, but that sympathy is fast wearing out.一些人对这个新国家建国初期遇到的困难表示同情,但是那种同情很快就消失了。Sullivan expressed sympathy for the striking federal workers.沙利文正在对罢工的联邦政府雇员表示了支持。I'd waste no sympathy on that fellow.那家伙不值得我同情。She had lain in her bed for years, feigning illness and playing on the sympathy of her daughters.她多年卧床装病,想博得女儿的同情。Relatives of the aircrash victims were treated with great sympathy.飞机失事的罹难者家属得到了极大的同情。I'm not looking for sympathy.我不是在寻求同情。I've got no sympathy for him, he got his just deserts.我一点也不同情他,他自作自受。There's a sense of sympathy and fellow feeling among members of the group.这个团体的成员之间彼此同情,相互理解。The government showed sympathy to their cause.政府对他们的事业表示了支持。He wants to express his deep sympathy to the family.他想向这个家庭表达深深的同情。




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