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词汇 acts
例句 What separates terrorism from other acts of violence?恐怖主义和其他暴力行为的区别是什么?He can still salvage his reputation if he acts quickly.他如果迅速行动,还能挽救自己的声誉。The criminal reformed and promised atonement for his acts.那罪犯改过自新,保证赎自己的罪过。A number of churches were sacked and sacrilegious acts committed.很多教堂都被洗劫一空,而且作出了诸多渎神之举。He acts as if he's cornered the market on new ideas.他表现得好像只有他才想得出新点子。I like Jenny, don't get me wrong, but I do think she acts a little childishly at times.我喜欢珍妮,你别误会,但我确实觉得她有时候有点幼稚。Ti was the first queen of Egypt to have her name appear on official acts alongside that of her husband.泰是第一个与丈夫的名字一起出现在官方正式记录中的埃及王后。The girl acts out her grief by trying to seduce every man she meets.那个女孩勾引所遇到的每个男人,以此来发泄悲痛。Because of time constraints two acts had to be cut from the show.由于时间上的限制,演出删去了两幕。He endeared himself by acts of generosity.他以其慷慨行为赢得了人们的喜爱。He acts and dresses the part of a gentleman.他演一名绅士。The hollow inside of the top section acts as a chimney and conveys the heat to the water, which boils in a few minutes.顶部的中空部分就像一个烟囱,将热量传递给水,使水在几分钟之内就沸腾起来。We find ourselves ensnared in employment acts which do not help resolve industrial disputes.我们发现自己陷入了雇佣法案的圈套之中,因为它们并不能帮助解决劳资争端。She acts as a liaison between patients and staff.她在患者与医护人员之间充当沟通的桥梁。In Britain, the Victoria Cross is awarded for acts of great bravery during wartime.在英国,维多利亚十字勋章授给那些在战争中表现英勇的人。He always acts like a real goof after a couple of glasses of wine.他喝了几杯酒之后,总表现得像个十足的大傻瓜。The play comprises three acts.这部剧共有三幕。The band is one of many acts that have been booked for the concert.音乐会安排了许多演出者,这个乐队是其中之一。He acts like he's my friend, but I can tell that he's just faking it.他表现得好像是我朋友,但我能分辨出来他是装的。The teacher both participates in and acts as facilitator in the collaborative context.教师在这个合作过程中,既是参与者,又是推动者。It's impossible to predict what he'll do - he just acts when the spirit moves him.根本不可能预测他会做什么——他做事情纯凭感觉。He acts as sole trustee of the fund.他充当这一基金的唯一受托人。Acid acts on this metal quickly.酸对这种金属的作用是迅速的。We are looking for people who have performed outstanding acts of bravery.我们在寻找那些有过杰出英勇事迹的人。The court system acts as an appendage to the government.法院系统附属于政府。Some people say that capital punishment acts as a deterrent.一些人认为死刑有威慑作用。Tom acts as if I don't exist at times.汤姆有时表现得就像我不存在一样。This drug acts very fast on the central nervous system.这种药物很快作用到了中枢神经系统。His acts proclaimed him a friend.他的行动说明他是个朋友。The plant acts as a sedative in treating neuralgia.这种植物被用作治疗神经痛时的镇静药。Our characters appear in our acts.我们的性格表现在我们的行为中。Nobody is perfect, and everyone acts thoughtlessly on occasion.人无完人,谁都难保不偶尔疏忽一次。My insurance excludes acts of sabotage and damage done by weapons of war.我购买的保险对于蓄意损坏以及战争中武器造成的损坏不予赔偿。The third exception allows employees to seek damages for outrageous acts related to termination, including character defamation.第三条例外条款规定,如果雇用方在解聘员工时做出人格诽谤等无礼行为,员工可以寻求赔偿。His name was stained with acts of cruelty.他的残忍行为败坏了他的名声。The committee acts as an independent watchdog over government spending.这个委员会作为独立监察机构对政府开支进行监督。The magazine shows people engaging in deviant sexual acts.杂志上写一些人性行为偏离常轨。Sexual acts do not necessarily lead to pregnancy, but pregnancy does not occur without coitus.性行为不一定导致怀孕,但没有性交合肯定就不会怀孕。In a reflex, the effector muscle acts before your brain is able to think.在做反射动作时,效应肌肉在大脑意识之前就做出反应。The company cannot be held responsible in cases of bad weather or other acts of God.如果出现恶劣天气或其他不可抗力,公司将不承担责任。




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