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词汇 switch on
例句 I couldn't find the off switch on the remote control.我找不到遥控器上的关机按钮。Electronic timers automatically switch on the lights when it gets dark.天黑时,电子定时器会自动开灯。I'll switch on the washing machine last thing so it'll be finished when I get up in the morning.晚上睡觉前我会开启洗衣机,这样等我早晨起床后衣服就洗好了。Oh, you're back, why don't you switch on the lights?啊,你都回来了,怎么不开灯呀?Clap your hands twice, and the light switches on.拍两下手,灯就会亮。He switched on the answering machine and waited for the tape to rewind.他打开电话答录机,等着磁带往回倒。Exhaust fumes come into the car when I switch on the air conditioner.我打开空调,废气就进车里面来了。She flipped the light switch on.她轻按开关开了灯。The TV will be switched on at the time you wanted.电视机将在你所希望的时间开启。She switched on the bedside lamp.她打开了床头灯。The machine switches on automatically.这机器会自动开始运行。He sat down at the desk and switched on the computer.他坐到书桌前,打开了计算机。A green light shows that the computer is switched on.绿灯亮着表示电脑开着。Read the instructions before you switch on the engine.在开动发动机之前请先阅读使用说明。He switched on his torch, and a beam of light lit up the corner of the room.他打开手电,一束光线将房间角落照亮。Many people switch on the television simply to stave off boredom over the Christmas break.很多人打开电视仅仅是为了打发圣诞节休息期间的无聊时光而已。He keyed the radio with the switch on the throttle.他用面板旋钮调试收音机。She switched on one bar of the electric fire.她打开了一片电暖器。He switched on the ignition.他打开了点火装置。When the machine was switched on it blew a fuse.启动机器时保险丝烧断了。When a customer walks in, she switches on the charm.一有顾客走进来,她就马上装出亲切可人的样子。Will you switch on the television?你把电视机打开好吗?I switched on the TV and watched the news.我打开了电视看新闻。The computer takes a few seconds to power up after it's been switched on.计算机开机后需要几秒钟的启动时间。He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp.他一只手抓起电话听筒,另一只手去摸床头灯的开关。He trotted to the truck and switched on the ignition. Nothing happened.他匆匆走向卡车并转动点火开关,结果没有任何反应。I switched on the ignition and turned the engine over a few times.我打开点火装置,发动了好几次引擎。She switched on the fan to blow away the smoke.她打开风扇把烟吹走。I switched on the radio to listen to the news.我打开收音机听新闻。The printer's switched on but it won't print.打印机开着,但是无法打印。Just put the plug in the socket and switch on the machine.只需将插头插入插座并开动机器就行了。All you have to do is to plug in and switch on.你只须接通电源,一拧开关就行了。She switched on the light, wincing at the sudden brightness.她打开了灯,突如其来的强烈光线刺得她不敢睁眼。It was getting dark so I drew the curtains and switched on the light.天渐渐黑了,于是我拉上窗帘,打开灯。There was a little portable television switched on behind the bar.柜台后面有一台开着的便携式小型电视机。I switched on the radio and got nothing but static.我打开无线电,但除了静电干扰,什么也听不到。He switched on the light and examined his surroundings.他打开灯,查看了周围的情况。He switched on the TV and watched the basketball game, carried live from Houston.他打开了电视机,观看从休斯敦实况转播的篮球比赛。It's too stupid for words not having the machines switched on when they're most needed.最需要这些机器时却不打开,真是愚蠢至极。The heating automatically switches on and off at pre-set temperatures.暖气根据预设温度自动开关。




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