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词汇 swiftly
例句 Any anti-government protest was swiftly crushed.任何反对政府的抗议活动都被迅速镇压下去。She ran swiftly over the lawn to the gate.她一溜烟穿过草地跑到了大门口。I ran swiftly up the stairs and hid behind my bed.我快速跑上楼,躲在我的床后。He considered all possible ways of escape, running them over swiftly in his mind.他考虑了各种可能的脱逃之计,并把各种方案在心里匆匆地过了一遍。Tackle staff problems swiftly so they don't fester.员工问题要及时处理,以免恶化。She retreated swiftly to the sanctuary of her room.她迅速躲进了房间。The soldiers moved swiftly in a body towards the building.全体士兵迅速前往那栋建筑物。Unchallenged wisdoms flow swiftly among the middle classes.公认的至理名言在中产阶级中迅速传播开来。He swiftly chided himself for such thoughts.他马上责备自己竟会有这种想法。The French have acted swiftly and decisively to protect their industries.法国人采取了迅速果断的行动来保护他们的工业。The police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency.警方在面对紧急情况时必须能迅速作出反应。He walked swiftly, resisting the urge to break into a run.他快步走着,忍住想要突然奔跑的冲动。As the light bloomed she looked round swiftly.灯亮时她迅速地环顾四周。She walked swiftly away.她迅速走开了。Had the paramedics not acted so swiftly, he would have died.要不是急救人员行动迅速,他就没命了。He swiftly interposed himself between his visitor and the door.他迅速插在访客和房门之间。The transfer of power was effected swiftly and peacefully.权力迅速而和平地移交了。Political retribution will fall swiftly on any president who fails in that task.没有完成此项任务的总统很快都会遭到政治上的惩罚。The sun was dipping swiftly into the sea.太阳正迅速沉下海面。The raid was swiftly repulsed.偷袭很快被击退。The army would be brought in swiftly to quash any rebellion.军队很快就会被调来镇压任何的反抗。White clumps of cloud were moving swiftly across the sky.朵朵白云在空中迅速飘动着。The writer's arrest followed very swiftly on the appearance of the book.那本书一出版,作者很快就被捕了。The police moved swiftly to prevent a riot.警察迅速采取行动防止骚乱。He answered swiftly.他迅速做了回答。He changed direction swiftly, turned into the hallway and headed her off.他迅速改变方向,拐进走廊截住了她。He took a short length of rope and swiftly tied a slip knot.他拿起一小截绳子,飞快地打了个活结。The drug acts swiftly, preventing liver damage.这种药物见效迅速,能够防止肝损伤。The small boat cut swiftly through the lake's quiet billows.湖上微波荡漾,小船疾驶而过。Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall.大片大片的雪花开始簌簌飘落。The proposals were swiftly and unsurprisingly rejected by Western ministers.一如所料,这些提议当即遭到西方各位部长的反对。He stepped swiftly to the controls to throttle back the engine.他快步来到控制台跟前,减小了油门。They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy.他们打算干净利落地杀死她,毫不留情。She heard Mitch's swiftly indrawn breath.她听见米奇一下子倒吸了一口气。The boat was now moving swiftly over the water.现在船在水面飞快地行驶。The revolt was swiftly quashed by government troops.叛乱很快就被政府军镇压下去了。Lenny moved swiftly and silently across the front lawn.伦尼悄无声息地快速穿过房前的草坪。A centipede snaked swiftly away.一只蜈蚣飞快地爬开了。She swiftly bounced back, full of vim and pep.她轻快地蹦回来,精力充沛,活力四射。She swiftly moved up to a managerial position.她很快晋升到了经理职位。




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