例句 |
Hundreds of children sweltering in the heat went to the neighborhood pool.许多孩子热得受不了,都去了邻近的游泳池。Everyone headed for the beach on that sweltering summer afternoon.在那个酷热的夏日午后,人人都奔向沙滩。The soldiers marched on in the sweltering heat.士兵们在热气逼人的高温下继续行军。Dr Radhy waves a straw fan at his face as he examines the child in the sweltering morning heat.拉德海医生一边用蒲扇扇着脸,一边在上午闷热的天气中给孩子作检查。The soldiers were sweltering in their uniforms.士兵们穿着制服,热得要命。 |