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词汇 sway
例句 Moscow's sway in the regions has always varied from strong to tenuous.莫斯科对这些地区的控制力一直时强时弱。Nothing could sway him from his decision.没有什么能动摇他的决心。It was a slow, pulsing rhythm that seemed to sway languidly in the air.那是一种缓缓的律动,感觉像是慵懒地摇曳在空气中。The old communist party still holds sway in many rural areas.该党仍控制着许多农村地区。Moral arguments no longer seem to hold sway.道德方面的论点似乎不再占主导地位。Rebel forces hold sway over much of the island.该岛很大一部分控制在叛军手里。A hard-core group of right-wing senators had hoped to sway their colleagues.一群铁杆右翼参议员曾希望说服他们的同事。This all happened long ago, when priests held sway over the majority of the Irish people.这都是很久以前的事了,那时,祭司们控制着大多数爱尔兰人。The ancient Romans held sway over most of Europe.古罗马人曾控制了欧洲大部分地区。He is under the sway of his friend.他受他朋友控制。Among people here, traditional values still hold sway.在这些人中,传统的价值观仍占主导地位。She persisted in her argument, but I wouldn't let her sway me.她坚持她的论点,但我不会让她影响我。Rebel forces still hold sway in the northern parts of the country.叛军仍然控制着这个国家的北部地区。The sway of the pail caused some milk to spill out.桶的摇晃使一些牛奶溢了出来。The earthquake caused the wall to sway to the left.地震使墙向左倾斜。The public is window-shopping. Big events still can sway voters.公众尚在观望之中。重大事件仍然会影响选民的抉择。Some of the resource people working with the assembly might end up having a lot of sway.为集会出过力的一些手握资源的人最后可能会成为有头有脸的人物。A light wind was making the branches sway.一阵轻风吹得树枝摇动。She was now completely under his sway.她现在完全受他的支配。He has come/fallen under the sway of terrorists.他已落入恐怖分子的掌控。The beliefs which now hold sway may one day be rejected.现在占主导地位的信仰有朝一日可能会被摒弃。Here, despit of every stripe continued to hold sway, unaltered by time or circumstance.各种各样的独裁者持续统治着这里,丝毫不被时间或环境变化所影响。The company has been unsuccessful in its efforts to sway/change public opinion. 那家公司为改变公众看法而付出的努力未能奏效。The lawyer tried to sway the jury.律师试图说服陪审团。The theory still holds sway today. 这个理论现在仍具有影响力。Ed's parents never tried to sway him, but they are happy with the decision he's made.埃德的父母从来不试图去改变他,而是对他所作的决定很满意。He has them under his sway. 他将他们置于自己的掌控之下。How mothers keep daughters under their sway is the subject of the next five sections.母亲该如何管束女儿是下文五节的主题。




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