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词汇 swallow up
例句 The countryside is gradually being swallowed up by new developments.乡村地区正逐渐被新开发区吞噬。We watched as he was swallowed up by the crowd. 我们看着他淹没在人海中。She fears that the matter will simply be swallowed up by the maw of bureaucracy.她害怕这件事只会被官僚体制的无底洞所吞没。The wave swallowed up the small vessel.海浪吞没了小船。I really wish there's a dark hole that would swallow up bad people.我真希望有个能把坏人一口吞下去的黑洞。Taxes have swallowed up nearly half of my pay increase.我的加薪有近一半都被税收抵消了。He's suddenly swallowed up among the masses.一下子他就被人群吞没了。He headed back towards the flea market and was quickly swallowed up in the crowd.他转身朝跳蚤市场走去,很快淹没在人群中。Jane was soon swallowed up in the crowd.简很快淹没在人群中。The extra cash was soon swallowed up.这笔额外的钱很快就花光了。Weeds had swallowed up the garden.花园里杂草丛生。The whole building was swallowed up by flames.整幢楼被大火吞没了。The company was swallowed up in a corporate merger.这家公司在一次公司合并中被吞并了。Hundreds of small companies have been swallowed up by these huge multinationals.数百家小公司都被这些大型跨国企业吞并了。Campaigning swallows up a lot of time without guaranteeing success.宣传活动消耗了许多时间,能否成功并没有保障。His wages were swallowed up by his wine bills.他的工资全都耗费在了喝酒上。The cost of childcare swallows up most of her income.托管孩子的开销用去了她大部分的收入。Tens of thousands of acres of farmland are swallowed up each year by developers seeking living space for the city's fast-growing population.城市人口快速增长,每年都有许许多多的农田被寻找居住空间的开发商所侵吞。She was quickly swallowed up in the crowd.她很快消失在人群里。The whole town was swallowed up by the magma.岩浆毁掉了整个城镇。He tried to swallow up the publicly-owned land.他企图把公共用地据为己有。He did not want his firm to be swallowed up by a multinational giant.他不希望自己的公司被跨国巨头吞并。The plane was swallowed up in the clouds.飞机消失在云层之中。The increase in travel costs swallowed up our pay increase.旅行费用的增加耗尽了我们的薪资增长。The theory of electromagnetism swallowed up the theory of light.磁电学说取代了光学论。The waves swallowed up the little boat.波浪吞没了小船。




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