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Campaigning swallows up a lot of time without guaranteeing success.宣传活动消耗了许多时间,能否成功并没有保障。Returning swallows herald spring.归来的燕子预告春天的来临。We've got some swallows nesting in our roof at the moment.现在有几只燕子在我们的屋顶下筑巢。The swallows arced across the sunset sky.燕子飞掠过日落的天空。We stood on the bridge watching swallows skimming the water.我们站在桥上观看燕子掠过水面。A number of swallows conglobulated together by flying round and round.一群燕子盘旋着飞成一团。She poured some vodka into a glass and knocked it back in two swallows.她往玻璃杯里倒了一些伏特加酒,两口就喝完了。There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky.一些燕子在晴朗无云的蓝天中飞翔。The cost of childcare swallows up most of her income.托管孩子的开销用去了她大部分的收入。The swallows fled in twittering alarm.燕子吱吱地惊叫着飞走了。 |