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词汇 Berlin
例句 Every day the Russian tanks were getting nearer to Berlin.苏联坦克一天天地逼近柏林。By then, the euphoria over the fall of the Berlin Wall had evaporated.到那时,柏林墙倒塌带来的欣喜已消失殆尽。The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the end of the Cold War between East and West.柏林墙的倒塌象征着东西方之间冷战的结束。When the Berlin Wall came down it wasn't just the roads that opened up but the waterways too.柏林墙一倒,不仅是陆路,连水路也开通了。I'm quite taken by the idea of Christmas in Berlin.我很喜欢到柏林过圣诞节这个主意。The Berlin government is banking on the Olympics to save the city money.柏林市政府指望着奥运会能给这座城市省钱。The Berlin wall was the ultimate symbol of the Cold War.柏林墙是冷战的首要象征。The Upper House of the German parliament is to meet today in Berlin.德国的上议院今天将在柏林开会。Soviet troops were closing in on Berlin.苏联军队正在向柏林逼近。Berlin people drank champagne, set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.柏林市民喝香槟、放焰火、鸣车笛。The Wall used to divide East and West Berlin.过去这堵墙把东、西柏林隔开。Few cities in Europe can match the cultural richness of Berlin.在欧洲没有几个城市能和柏林丰富悠久的文化相匹敌。Vogel, a high-ranking official in East Berlin, was one of the Cold War's most shadowy figures.沃格尔,东柏林的一位高级官员,是冷战时期最神秘的人物之一。I'd like to go to Berlin again one day.我想有朝一日再去一次柏林。The wall through Berlin was finally ruptured, prefiguring the reunification of Germany.柏林墙终于倒塌了,预示着德国的重新统一。A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin.一名士兵在疯狂飙车穿越柏林后被逮捕。You lived in Berlin - help me put this into German.你在柏林住过,请帮我把这个翻译成德语。They aim to reduce the economic disparities between East Berlin and West Berlin.他们的目标是缩小东柏林和西柏林之间的经济差距。Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.当苏联军队逼近柏林的时候,希特勒自杀了。They're meeting in Berlin to iron out the final details of the contract.他们将在柏林会面,敲定合同的最后细节。Checkpoint Charlie was the most famous border crossing between East and West Berlin.查理检查站以前是东西柏林之间最有名的过境处。Within Germany, the city of Berlin lay in ruins.在德国,柏林市已经满目疮痍。The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolised the end of the Cold War between East and West.柏林墙的倒塌象征着东西方冷战的结束。West Berlin has long been notorious for its street violence.西柏林一直以来因街头暴力而恶名远播。Hempel was a prominent logical positivist of the Berlin school.亨佩尔是柏林学派中突出的逻辑实证主义者。Eating in East Berlin used to be a joyless experience.在东柏林就餐曾经是一件沉闷无趣的事情。The Mayor of West Berlin described the Germans as the happiest people in the world.西柏林市长称德国人是世界上最幸福的人。London's musical life might become as exciting as Berlin's.伦敦的音乐生活可能会变得像柏林的一样令人兴奋。Berlin is a city in flux.柏林是个日新月异的城市。Frank is currently domiciled in Berlin.弗兰克目前在柏林定居。With this ticket you can travel direct from Paris to Berlin overnight.你用这张票可以一夜之间从巴黎直达柏林。The old West Berlin was physically constrained by a wall.旧时的西柏林实际上被一堵墙所限制。Berlin lay in ruins, the smouldering rubble mute testimony to the devastating efficiency of daylight bombing raids.柏林倒在一片废墟之中,燃烧的瓦砾是对白天炸弹袭击破坏力的无声证词。The quiet German starts to rage when bumped off the last flight back to Berlin.被最后一趟飞回柏林的航班拒绝登机后,这个沉默的德国人开始勃然大怒。The Polish market in Berlin was considered unsightly and shut down.柏林市内的波兰市场被认为有碍观瞻,关闭了。The music of Irving Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethoven.欧文‧伯林的音乐很难与贝多芬的媲美。Recent developments are as portentous as the collapse of the Berlin Wall.最近的事态发展犹如柏林墙的倒塌,有一种山雨欲来风满楼的景象。West Berlin always had a large anarchist community.西柏林一直有一个庞大的无政府主义群体。The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in a whole new era.柏林墙的倒塌开启了一个全新的时代。




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