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词汇 surplus
例句 The Gulf States produce more oil than they need and sell the surplus to the rest of the world.海湾国家的石油产量高于自己所需的数量,于是就把剩余部分卖给其他国家。It is surplus to our requirements.这超出了我们的需求。The kids were running around, working off their surplus energy.孩子们到处乱跑,消耗着过剩的精力。The pension fund is in surplus.养老基金有盈余。His services had become surplus to requirements.他的服务已变得多余了。We have no surplus grain to sell.我们没有多余的粮食出售。The increase in gas-fired power stations means traditional coal ones are becoming surplus to requirements.燃气发电站的增多意味着传统的燃煤发电站变得过剩了。Few people have large sums of surplus cash.几乎没人手头很富裕。Congress is debating whether to spend the budget surplus.国会在辩论是否要动用预算结余。I found a surplus store and bought a pocket calculator.我找到一家出售剩余物品的商店,买了一台袖珍计算机。Lose those surplus pounds with our new diet plan.用我们新的节食计划减掉那些多余的脂肪。Workers at the factory have been told they are surplus to requirements.这个工厂的工人被告知已成为冗员。The houses are being sold because they are surplus to requirements.这些因超出需求而闲置着的房子正在出售。Japan runs a large current-account surplus.日本拥有巨额的经常账户盈余。Refrigeration and canning facilities are growing to take care of surplus seasonal foods.冰冻和装罐设备正在不断增多,以便保藏多余的季节性食物。A surplus of oil has spurred a drop in prices.石油的过剩促使油价下降。She had an army surplus sleeping bag.她有一个睡袋,是军用的。The net result is a massive trade surplus.最终结果是巨额的贸易顺差。Japan's trade surplus increased rapidly over the last few years.日本的贸易顺差在过去几年里迅速增长。The state currently has a $3 million budget surplus. 这个州目前预算结余三百万美元。They dump their surplus production on foreign countries.他们向外国倾销剩余产品。Japan is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus.日本的预算盈余令人羡慕。The government bought the surplus grain to help growers.政府收购了过剩的谷物以帮助种植者。It produces more than it needs, then dumps its surplus onto the world market.当产量超过需求时,过剩的产品便倾销到世界市场。Some doctors overprescribed and addicts could resell the surplus.有些医生开麻醉剂过量,瘾君子便可将剩余的再出售。The government has authorized the army to sell its surplus weapons.政府已经授权军队出售多余的武器。We are unlikely to produce any surplus this year.我们今年不太可能有任何盈余。There seems to be a food surplus, a possible carry-over, this year.今年看来食物生产过剩,会有滞销。He jobs in government surplus.他是政府剩余物资销售的中间商。As a result of several bumper harvests, the country now has a grain surplus.因为有了多次的大丰收,这个国家的谷物过剩。The surplus will shove the price down from a dollar to 60 cents.剩余货物将会迫使价格从一美元跌到六十美分。The State raised $130 million by selling off surplus land.该州靠出售剩余的土地筹集了一亿三千万美元。The country's trade surplus increased last year.去年这个国家的外贸盈余增长了。I sell my surplus birds to a local pet shop.我把多余的鸟卖给当地的宠物商店。The number crunchers in Washington are expecting a budget surplus by the fall.华盛顿的统计人员预计到秋季时会出现预算盈余。Foreign competitors offloaded their surplus on your shores at artificially low prices.外国竞争者以人为的低价把剩余物资向你们的各口岸倾销。He has little surplus cash to invest.他没有什么多余的现金用于投资。Some people want to use the budget surplus to pay down the national debt. 有些人想用预算盈余进行支付以减少国家债务。That country has a large surplus of food.那个国家有很多剩余食粮。Any surplus was sold to augment their income.所有多余的东西都被卖了来增加他们的收入。




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