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词汇 superficially
例句 The policy is superficially attractive, but unlikely to work.这项政策表面上很有吸引力,但很可能行不通。While superficially similar, the two films have very different underlying messages.这两部电影表面上看起来类似,但内在的寓意却大相径庭。The film touches on these difficult questions, but only superficially.这部电影触及了这些难题,但只是蜻蜓点水式的。Hill cannot write badly or superficially; his characters and plotting are, as usual, admirable.希尔不可能写得太差,也不会缺乏深度;他刻画的人物和情节和以前一样精彩。The film touches on these difficult questions, but only superficially.该影片谈及了这些难以解答的问题,但也只是流于表面。Their experiences are superficially similar.他们的经历表面上看很相似。Whereas an octopus has eight arms, this new, superficially octopus-like creature had ten, like squids. The rest of its external morphology was equally strange.章鱼有八条腕足,而这个看上去像章鱼的新生物却如同乌贼般有十条腕足。它身体其余部分的外部形态同样也很奇怪。Many of these killers are frequently glib and superficially charming.这些杀手中,多数都是能说会道、外表迷人。The film touches on these issues, but only superficially.电影涉及了这些问题,但只是流于表面。The film touches on these issues, but only superficially.这部电影涉及了这些问题,但却流于表面。




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