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Buy three skincare products and you can choose your super free gift.买三种护肤品你就可以选一份免费赠送的高级礼品。The party was super.这个派对真棒。In his latest film, super-intelligent aliens invade Earth and try to take over.在他的这部最新影片中,超智慧的外星人入侵地球并企图占领地球。They were super helpful when I was having problems.当我遇到问题时,他们对我的帮助非常大。A super-efficient sense of smell is no longer vital to our existence.高度灵敏的嗅觉对我们的生存已不再必不可少。As the super-rich set the pace, everyone else spends furiously.在超级富豪们的带领下,其他人也都疯狂地花钱。She's a super cook.她是位很棒的厨师。Many women of normal weight feel unable to identify with the super-thin models in fashion magazines.许多体重正常的女性对时尚杂志中那些超瘦的模特儿无法产生认同感。That's a super idea.那是个绝妙的主意。What a super idea!多妙的主意!This heavenly conditioner gives the hair super body and bounce.这款极棒的护发素使头发超级丰满并富有弹性。Sorry, I'm super tired, I have to turn in.对不起,我累得很,得上床睡觉了。He's a super nigger who spends his life trying to prove he's as good as the Man.他是个超级黑人,一生都在试图证明他丝毫不比白人差。It isn't yet clear how dangerous these so-called "super-rats" are.目前还不清楚这种名叫“超级老鼠”的东西有多危险。Their bodies were well-developed and super fit.他们的身体发育得很好,非常健壮。We took the new super-fast train, and that was really something.我们乘坐了新型超快列车,那真是快极了。For super-soft skin, lather on a light body lotion before you bathe.如果肌肤特别柔嫩,洗澡前先抹上一层清爽的润肤露。That's a super idea.那真是个绝妙的主意。The pursuit of super profit is a religion to the monopolists.垄断资本家一心追求的就是超额利润。I'm going to Greece in the summer so I've got to be super slim.夏天我要去希腊,因此我要变得格外苗条才好。The Natural History Museum is a super place for kids.自然历史博物馆是孩子们的超级好去处。His super-clean image gave a veneer of respectability to the new professional set-up.他超级整洁的形象使其新设的专业骗局看起来很正规很体面。Today's models are super thin.现在的模特儿极其瘦削。She's super nice/rich/smart.她非常好/富有/聪明。The best reason for a trip to London is the super opportunity for shopping.绝佳的购物机会是前往伦敦的最好理由。He is currently starring in pantomime in Weston-super-Mare.他目前正在滨海韦斯顿主演圣诞童话剧。 |