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词汇 studious
例句 He replied the policeman's inquiry with studious calm.他故作镇静地回答警察的查询。Angus's round glasses made him look studious.安格斯戴的圆眼镜使他看上去很好学的样子。I was a very quiet, studious little girl.我当时是个非常文静、勤奋好学的小女孩。She has been very studious of her child's comfort.她对孩子的生活安适一直十分关切。He made a studious effort to obey the rules.他认真遵守规则。Mary was very quiet, a studious girl.玛丽性情十分沉静,是个勤奋好学的姑娘Jones was very quiet, a studious boy.琼斯非常文静,是个勤奋好学的男孩。She was a studious child, happiest when reading.她是个好学的孩子,特别喜欢看书。Francis didn't bother with clothes or make-up. She was an extremely serious and studious young girl.弗朗西丝对衣服和化妆品不感兴趣,她是个极其认真、用功的少女。I studied the prisoners and began to type them. The political prisoners were usually quiet, studious.我仔细察看了犯人并开始把他们分类。政治犯通常是安静好学的。The waiter made a studious effort to please customers.侍者竭尽全力取悦顾客。




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