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词汇 strength
例句 I failed to gauge the strength of her dislike.我没有估计到她如此反感。Calcium is needed for bone strength.钙是坚固骨质所必需的。She summoned up every ounce of strength she possessed.她使出了所有的力量。Her unwillingness to answer questions undermined the strength of her position.她不愿意回答问题,这使她地位不稳。We're only at half strength today. 我们今天只有半数人员到场。The illness sapped him of his strength.疾病消耗了他的体力。He had to exert all of his strength to move the stone.他不得不用尽全力来搬那块石头。I ploughed into him with all the strength I possessed.我用尽全身的力量向他撞击。He vaulted to fame on the strength of his discovery.由于他的发现,他一举成名。He is working to improve his strength and stamina.他正加紧训练以增强体力和耐力。Regular gym sessions will improve both your health and strength.经常健身可以增进健康,增强体力。She worried about her mother's waning strength.她担心母亲的体力日渐不支。Much of the country's military strength lies in its missile force.这个国家的军事实力主要体现在导弹部队上。We are negotiating from a position of strength. 我们在谈判中处于强势地位。I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of strength.我经常把向日葵当作力量的象征物。The general made some bellicose statements about his country's military strength.将军发表了一些挑衅性的言论,显示该国强大的军事力量。She was sustained by the strength of her religious faith.宗教信仰的力量支撑着她。This consolidation meant having to reduce the numerical strength of the Army.这次合并意味着不得不削减陆军的兵力。There's safety/strength in numbers. 人多更安全/力量大。He hadn't completely regained his strength.他还没有完全恢复力气。The two countries reached parity in military strength.两国军事力量达到势均力敌的状况。The firm's gone from strength to strength since the new factory was built.自从新工厂建成后,公司就蒸蒸日上。He could barely summon the strength to stand up.他几乎连站起来的力气都没有了。Her inner strength is an inspiration to us all.她的意志力鼓舞了我们所有人。You must gather your strength for the journey.你必须为这次行程打起精神来。Her great strength lies in her flexibility.她的极大优势在于她的灵活变通。His determination shows real strength of character.他的决心显示出了他坚韧的性格。Math is her strength, languages her weakness.数学是她的强项,语言则是她的弱门。The movement has grown in strength.这一运动已发展壮大。They are reinforced with steel for extra strength.产品都加了钢,以增加强度。He owed his survival to his strength as a swimmer.他是因为水性好才幸免于难的。Something gave me the strength to overcome the difficulty.某种东西给我了战胜困难的力量。The strength of this argument is being increasingly recognized.大家日渐认识到这一论点的说服力。Firms with large debts may not have the financial strength to survive a prolonged sales decline or a recession.负债多的公司可能缺乏经济实力承受销量长时间下降或经济衰退。Surgery often demands actual physical strength, as well as the possession of a strong stomach.外科医生往往得体力好,而且要能忍受令人反胃的场面。His quickness will balance the other fighter's greater strength.他的敏捷将使他可以与力量更大的对手相抗衡。She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles.一直有人鼓励她去游泳以强健体魄。I bought the book on the strength of your recommendation.由于你的推荐,我才买了这本书。The government claims that as long as they have nuclear weapons, they can negotiate from a position of strength.政府声称,只要有核武器,就能在谈判中处于有利地位。Anger gave me preternatural strength, and I managed to force the door open.我一气之下使出少有的力气,硬把门撞开了。




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