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词汇 streaks
例句 The tern's forehead is clouded with streaks in winter.燕鸥的前额在冬天会出现斑驳的条纹。The flames begin as a few streaks of red against the pale brown of the walls.火焰燃起时,犹如几条红色条纹映衬在淡褐色的墙上。The last streaks of light faded from the sky.天空中最后几缕光线消失了。The bird can be recognized by the dark streaks on its breast.这种鸟可由其胸部的黑色条纹辨认出来。His black beard had streaks of white in it.他的黑胡子里夹杂着几根白胡子。She had a few streaks of white in her black hair.她的黑发里夹杂着几缕灰白的头发。I dye my hair to hide my grey streaks.我染发是为了遮住花白的头发。Sue has blonde streaks in her hair.休的头发里夹杂着几缕金发。He had streaks of dirt all over his face.他满脸都是一道道的脏痕。The wall was smeared with streaks of dirt.墙上有一道道的脏痕。There are these dark streaks on the surface of the moon.月球表面有这样一些黑色的条痕。I know only a few streaks about astronomy.我对天文学只是略知一二。He left streaks where he wiped the glass.玻璃上他擦过的地方留下了一条条痕迹。I know only a few streaks about geology.我对地质学只是略知一二。There are streaks of ore in the mountain.这座山里有矿脉。There were tear streaks down her face.她脸上有一条条泪痕。The window cleaner left dirty streaks on the windows.擦窗工人在窗户上留下了条条污痕。There were dark streaks down her cheeks where she had been crying.她刚刚哭过,脸颊上有几道深色的泪痕。She has had red streaks put in her hair.她让人把几缕红色假发混在头发中。Her hair was brown, with streaks of gold.她的头发是棕色的,夹杂着几缕金发。The miners had streaks of coal dust on their faces.矿工们脸上有一道道的煤粉印。




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