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词汇 streak
例句 She had a mean streak that she didn't bother to hide.她生性小气,而且不加掩饰。There was a streak of blood across her forehead.她额头上有一道血痕。Veins of golden aspen streak the Rocky Mountain slopes, marbling the jade forest.落基山脉上呈条带状分布着一片片的金色山杨树,让碧绿的森林有了大理石般的纹理。She grabbed the money and ran out of the shop like a streak of lightning.她一把抓起钱,飞也似的跑出了商店。Karen's dress had a big streak of red wine down the front.卡伦的裙子前面有一道很粗的红酒污痕。A violent streak of pain ripped through her whole body.一阵剧烈的疼痛传遍了她的全身。Suddenly a jagged streak of lightning illumined the heavens.突然,一道锯齿状的闪电照亮了苍穹。The casinos had better watch out since I'm obviously on a lucky streak!很明显我现在手气正旺,赌场最好当心了!The man has a streak of cruelty in his character.那个汉子性情有些残酷。The team started the season off with a 10-game winning streak.球队以连赢十场的战绩开启了本赛季。A strong stubborn streak has helped her succeed.一股顽强的倔劲促使她获得了成功。I have an exhibitionist streak that comes out on the dance floor.我一到舞场上就会忍不住想要出出风头。The team has been on a winning streak since it won against Lazio.自从打败拉齐奥队以后,这支球队连连取胜。She suddenly revealed a mean streak in her character.她突然间显露出个性中卑鄙的一面。He disappeared round the corner like a streak of lightning.他闪电般地消失在拐角处。Annie had had too much to drink and was talking a blue streak.安妮多喝了两杯,话多得要命。Celtic are on a six-game winning streak.凯尔特人队六连胜。A streak of bad luck had come his way. 厄运降临到了他的身上。We got up at the first streak of daylight.我们一天亮就起床了。He's still got a mean streak.他为人还是不大方。It encouraged him to think that he was on a winning streak.这使得他相信自己手气正好。Paul was someone who certainly had a puritan streak in him.保罗身上无疑带有清教徒气质。There's a nasty streak in her character.她性格中有令人讨厌的一面。Despite his apparent liberal views, he's really something of a puritan/he has a puritan streak.尽管他表面上持自由派观点,但实际上他有点像个清教徒。Talking about his winning streak must have put the whammy on him , because he lost the next day.谈论他连胜的事一定带给他晦气了,因为他第二天就输了。Rain had begun to streak the window-panes.雨水已经开始在窗玻璃上冲出道道条痕。Though a romantic at heart, she had a strong streak of realism.尽管她内心里是个浪漫的人,但她有面对现实的坚强个性。Despite the losing streak, there is an undercurrent of hope within the team.尽管连遭挫败,球队内部还是涌动着一股希望的暗流。She has an adventurous/competitive streak in her.她有几分冒险/竞争精神。We're on a winning streak – hopefully we can keep it up.近来我们连连获胜,但愿能够再接再厉。He is a creeper who likes to streak in the middle of the night.他是个怪人,经常三更半夜地祼奔。I've got a very stubborn streak and I discovered that I couldn't bear people telling me what I could and couldn't eat.我的个性很固执,我发觉受不了别人告诉我该吃什么,不该吃什么。He's always had a rebellious streak. 他总是一副桀骜不驯的样子。He talked a blue streak all through breakfast.他吃早餐时一直都在滔滔不绝地说话。He has a mean streak.他生性有点刻薄。A streak of lightning frightened the little girl out of her life.一道闪电吓得小女孩魂飞魄散。He usually gets up at the first streak of daylight.他通常天刚亮就起床。The team has recently been on a hot streak. 这支队最近连连获胜。The casinos in Las Vegas had better watch out since I'm obviously on a lucky streak!拉斯韦加斯的赌场要小心了,因为我显然正红运当头!The team's losing streak has left many fans feeling hopeless and discouraged. 球队的接连失利让许多球迷感到失望和沮丧。




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