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词汇 strawberries
例句 We picked lots of strawberries, but we'd eaten half the basket by the time we got home.我们摘了很多草莓,可到家时就已经吃了半筐。Eating strawberries brings me out in spots. 吃草莓使我起了疹子。Can we have strawberries? They're my favourite.给我们来点草莓好吗?草莓是我的最爱。They run a farm where you can handpick fresh strawberries.他们经营一家农场,你在那里可以采摘到新鲜草莓。Wild strawberries are much smaller than the kind you get in shops.野生草莓比商店里的草莓小很多。The strawberries need to be stemmed.那些草莓需要去梗。Wash and hull the strawberries.把草莓洗干净,去掉绿色花萼。Steep the strawberries in a light syrup spiked with plenty of fresh lime juice.将草莓浸泡在加了大量鲜来檬汁的淡糖浆里。She dished the strawberries into the bowl.她将草莓盛入碗中。For dessert, serve strawberries covered in thick sweet cream.至于甜点,就上浇着浓甜奶油的草莓吧。We dined on salmon and strawberries.我们那顿饭吃的是鲑鱼和草莓。We had strawberries and cream for dessert.我们的甜点是加奶油的草莓。Keep back some strawberries for decoration.留些草莓作装饰用吧。Cover the strawberries with the chocolate sauce.把巧克力酱浇在草莓上。The strawberries have all gone to squash.草莓已经全部压烂。When do fresh strawberries come in?新鲜草莓什么时候上市? We picked out the bad strawberries.我们把烂草莓挑了出去。Pipe a little green icing around the strawberries.在草莓周围裱上点儿绿糖霜吧。Purée the strawberries in the liquidizer and add the lightly whipped cream.在食物搅拌器中将草莓捣成泥,再加上轻轻搅打过的奶油。You should net the strawberries to keep the blackbirds away.你应该用网罩住草莓,免得乌鸫啄食。We dined on lobster and strawberries.我们正餐吃的是龙虾和草莓。The strawberries are kept in cold storage to prevent them spoiling during transportation.草莓一直冷藏,以免在运输过程中变质。We sat in the garden hulling strawberries.我们坐在园子里摘除草莓蒂。I put a net over my strawberries.我在草莓上盖了张网罩。We feasted on strawberries and cream.我们尽情地吃草莓和奶油。The strawberries are put into cold storage for several months.草莓被冷藏保存几个月。Eating strawberries makes her break out in hives. = Eating strawberries makes her break out.吃草莓使她突然起了荨麻疹。We go there to pick strawberries in the summertime.夏季我们去那儿摘草莓。Wild strawberries are smaller than the cultivated variety.野草莓比人工种植的草莓小。She broke out in a rash after eating some strawberries.她吃完草莓后身上突然开始出红疹。Dip the strawberries into melted chocolate.把草莓在熔化的巧克力中蘸一蘸。I bought a carton / punnet of strawberries.我买了一盒/一小篮草莓。They picked over the strawberries and threw away the green ones.他们仔细挑选着草莓,把绿色的都扔掉了。The bottom layer of the cake is made of chocolate and strawberries.蛋糕的最底层是用巧克力和草莓做成的。The collar was embroidered with very small red strawberries.衣领上绣着非常小的红色草莓。She poured the cream over the strawberries.她把奶油浇在草莓上。They spent the summer picking strawberries.他们整个夏天都在采摘草莓。Those strawberries look a bit dear.那些草莓看上去有些贵。We garnished the melon with strawberries.我们给甜瓜配上草莓。They lunched on lobster and strawberries, accompanied by a fine vintage champagne.他们午饭吃了龙虾和草莓,佐餐的是上品陈年香槟。




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