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词汇 stranger
例句 Her eyes lingered on the stranger's face.她一直注视着那个陌生人的脸。Bernard was once collared by an aggressive stranger in Soho.有一次,伯纳德在索霍区被一个气势汹汹的陌生人拦住,硬要与他说话。He is a stranger to our language.他对我们的语言一窍不通。He looked with mistrust at the stranger.他以怀疑的神色打量这个陌生人。I don't want to share a room with a perfect stranger.我不想和一个完全陌生的人共居一室。I have never been treated more rudely by a stranger.从来没有哪个陌生人对我如此无礼。He's a perfect stranger to me.对我来说他是一个完完全全的陌生人。A stranger walked up to me and asked me the time.一个陌生人走到我身边问我时间。He had shared intimate details of his life with a stranger.他跟一个陌生人分享了自己生活的私密细节。Telling a complete stranger about your life is difficult.要对一个素昧平生的人谈自己的生活经历是比较困难。He hesitantly asked a stranger for directions.他犹犹豫豫地向一个陌生人问了问路。The boy was alert in answering the stranger's questions.男孩很机敏地回答了陌生人的问题。I began to doubt Donald's sanity as his story got stranger and stranger.唐纳德把事情讲得越来越怪异,我开始怀疑他是否正常。The stranger had saved him from a watery grave.这个陌生人把他从水底救了上来。I'm a stranger here.我是这里的一名访客。Amanda is no stranger to sorrow - both of her parents died this past year.阿曼达饱受悲痛—去年她的双亲相继过世。Any stranger to the town sticks out like a sore thumb.镇上来了任何陌生人都很显眼。I didn't have any matches, but a stranger gave me a light. 我没有火柴,但一个陌生人给我借了个火。She's always happy to do a stranger a good turn.她总是乐于帮助陌生人。As a writer he is no stranger to controversy.作为一名作家,他对争议习以为常。No one was aware of the stranger's presence.没有人注意到那个陌生人的出现。A stranger accosted me in the street.一个陌生人在街上跟我搭讪。Hey there, stranger. We haven't seen you around here for a long time.嗨,稀客呀,我们好久没见到你来这里了。She is no stranger to politics.她可不是政治上的新手。The boy barricaded the door to keep the stranger out.男孩挡住门不让那个陌生人进去。Burton was at the bar, trying to pick a quarrel with a stranger.伯顿在酒吧柜台旁边,想找个陌生人吵架。Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.事实有时比虚构的事更不可思议。Prison warps people. Had it warped Kelley enough that he would kill a stranger?监狱扭曲人性。它有没有使凯利变态到会杀死一个陌生人呢?We spied a stranger hanging around the corner.我们发现一位陌生人在拐角处闲荡。We plied the stranger with questions but got no change out of him.我们向那个陌生人问个不休,可是一点儿也探听不出什么消息。The clean-shaven, balding man was a stranger.那个胡子刮得光光的、有点谢顶的男人是个陌生人。The boy was a complete stranger to me.那男孩对我来说完全是个陌生人。Because of the scandal Roberta was married off to a stranger and sent away from Rome.由于这件丑事,罗伯塔被嫁给了一个陌生人并被送离了罗马。She's just waiting to be swept off her feet by a handsome stranger.她就是等着一个英俊的陌生人来打动她的芳心。The stranger fastened onto my arm and wouldn't let go.那个陌生人紧紧抓着我的胳膊不放。He is no stranger to adversity.他并不是第一次身陷逆境。I'm a stranger to statistics.我对统计学一窍不通。She is no stranger to controversy. 她对争论习以为常了。She had been incredibly foolish to tell such things to a total stranger.她把这种事情告诉一个素昧平生的人实在愚蠢得令人难以置信。He decided to give the money to the first stranger who came along.他决定把钱给第一个出现的陌生人。




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