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词汇 strangely
例句 He looked up at her, his dark eyes strangely bright.他抬头看着她,他的黑眼睛亮得出奇。The street was strangely silent.这条街道异常地安静。Instead of disturbing her, the news had a strangely calming effect.这消息非但没有令她不安,反而产生了一种奇怪的镇定效果。Everyone looked at him strangely.人人都奇怪地看着他。A dark, strangely amorphous shadow filled the room.一个奇形怪状的黑影充满了整个房间。Victoria was strangely undisturbed by this symptom, even though her husband and family were frightened.尽管丈夫和家人都吓坏了,维多利亚却对这一症状出奇地淡定。He was puzzled but strangely excited by the commotion.他对骚乱迷惑不解,但被弄得莫名地兴奋。He felt strangely exhilarated by the brisk, blue morning.这个万里无云、天空蔚蓝的早上令他感到莫名地畅快。He seemed strangely uncertain as to how to continue.很奇怪,他好像不知道该如何继续下去。The downtown streets were strangely empty and peaceful.市中心的街上空无一人,静得出奇。Since the last big outbreak of fighting six days ago, the city has been strangely quiet.自从六天前爆发了一次大规模的战斗以来,该市一直平静得有些异常。He felt irritated and strangely fragile, as if he were recovering from a severe bout of flu.他心烦气躁,身体也莫名其妙地虚弱,就好像正在从一场重感冒中恢复过来。Oddly/curiously/strangely/amazingly/surprisingly enough, they've never actually met.奇怪得很,他们居然从来没有真正见过面。He left strangely.他奇怪地离开了。His voice was strangely comforting.他的嗓音出奇地让人感到安慰。She's strangely reticent about her son.她很奇怪,不愿意多谈她的儿子。His face looked strangely solemn.他的脸色看起来异常严肃。She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. Moreover, he was observing her strangely.她看见真有一个男的紧跟在她身后,而且在怪异地注视自己。He's behaving so strangely. It makes you wonder whether he's in trouble somehow.他的行为很古怪,让人不由得想知道他是否遇到了某种麻烦。A cure has proved strangely elusive.事实证明极难治愈,令人不解。Is it my imagination or is David behaving strangely at the moment?是我的错觉呢,还是戴维现在真的是行为古怪?Now that you mention it, I did think she was behaving a little strangely last night.你既然提到这件事,我也的确认为昨晚她的举止有些怪异。I felt strangely subdued when it was all over.一切都结束的时候,我却有一种奇怪的压抑感。She felt strangely content.她感到莫名地满足。He's lived in France for years, but strangely enough he can't speak a word of French.他在法国住过多年,但奇怪的是他连一个法语词也不会讲。Witnesses said the man was carrying a gun and behaving strangely.有目击者说这名男子带着一把枪,行为古怪。She was strangely calm while everyone else was panicking.大家慌作一团的时候,她却出奇地平静。The crowd fell strangely silent.奇怪的是人群静了下来。The audience are strangely subdued, clapping politely after each song.观众们出奇地安静,只是在每首歌结束后报以礼貌性的掌声。Miriam's voice was strangely calm.米丽娅姆的声音出奇地平静。She found his voice strangely comforting.不知为何,她觉得他的声音让人感到欣慰。The hut suddenly seemed strangely silent.小屋突然似乎安静得出奇。The house felt strangely empty without the children.孩子们不在,屋子显得出奇地空空荡荡。The Congolese people were strangely ambivalent towards their new president.刚果人民对他们的新总统持一种奇怪的矛盾态度。America has no shortage of strangely named clubs.美国有不少名字稀奇古怪的俱乐部。Beth felt strangely drawn to this gentle stranger.被这个温文尔雅的陌生人所吸引,贝丝感觉很奇怪。She went back to a strangely quiet house.她回到一所静得出奇的房子。Eliot led a strangely unsettled life, drifting from place to place and job to job.埃利奥特到处游荡,无固定职业,过着一种奇怪的不稳定生活。He felt strangely inactive.他感到莫名的懒散。She felt strangely unreal, as if she were in a dream.她有一种奇怪的虚幻感觉,就像是在梦里一样。




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