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词汇 straight in
例句 She looked her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully.她直视着父亲的眼睛,诚实地回答了他的问题。The goalkeeper was caught napping and the ball went straight in.守门员猝不及防,球直入球门。A strong light was shining straight in my eyes.一道强光直刺进我的眼里。He directed the light straight in her face.他用灯光直接照向她的脸。He didn't stand about looking at all the jobs to be done; he waded straight in.他对需要做的各项工作并没有袖手旁观,而是精神抖擞地投入了工作。Sue always looks you straight in the eye when she's talking to you.休和你说话时总是直视着你。When she arrives, show her straight in.她到了后,直接把她带进来。Barry stood at the door, hesitating. Should he walk straight in or knock?巴里站在门口,犹豫不决。他该直接进去还是敲门呢?She looked him straight in the eye and told him to leave.她直视着他,叫他离开。He opened the door and walked straight in.他开了门,径直往里走。The sun was shining straight in her eyes and made her squint.阳光刺眼,她不得不眯起了眼睛。The book is on the table straight in front of you.那本书就在你面前的桌子上。In some parts of the country raw sewage is pumped straight in the ocean.该国有些地方的污水未经处理就直接排入大海。He leaned forward earnestly and looked me straight in the eye.他严肃地向前俯身,直盯着我的眼睛。He looked me straight in the eye with a stern glare.他逼视着我,目光严厉。If you don't have someone at the door, any Tom, Dick or Harry could turn up at the party and walk straight in.聚会上要不派个人在门口看着,任凭谁都可以闯进来。Circulars and other junk mail go straight in the bin.传单和其他的垃圾邮件直接扔进垃圾桶。




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