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In a straight fight the army usually won.在面对面的硬拼中,陆军通常会赢。The election is going to be a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives.这场选举将会是工党和保守党之间一对一的竞选。This will be a straight fight between the two parties.这将是这两个政党之间一对一的竞争。Each has several times beaten the other in a straight fight.双方都曾在单打比赛中击败过对方几次。The Socialist candidate beat the Liberal in a straight fight.社会党候选人在一轮直接交锋中击败了自由党候选人。The election is now a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives.现在,大选成了工党和保守党之间的直接交锋。 |