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Yuki's agreed to go out with me. Straight up.由岐答应了和我一起去,这是真的。Straight pasta is very bland - you need some kind of sauce to make it interesting.什么佐料也不加的意大利面条没什么味道——你需要加些酱汁儿才会有滋味。Straight men often feel nervous in the company of gays.不是同性恋的男人和同性恋的男人在一起时经常会感到紧张。Straight ahead were the low cabins of the motel.正前方就是汽车旅馆的低矮小木屋。There's a judge who sleeps with her alsatian. Straight up.有个法官和她的阿尔萨斯狼犬睡在一起。真的。Straight after your last cigarette your body will begin to cleanse itself of tobacco toxins.一旦停止抽烟,人体立刻就会开始清除体内的烟草毒素。 |