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词汇 story
例句 He made the ghost story come to life.他把那个鬼的故事讲得活灵活现。She snuggled up in Clarissa's lap to listen to the story.她蜷伏在克拉丽莎的腿上听故事。The truth or fiction of this story has never been truly determined.这个故事一直以来真伪莫辨。Your argument/story isn't very convincing.你的论据/报道不是很有说服力。We stand by our entire story.我们坚持我们的全部陈述。We'll need to check out his story.我们需要核实一下他的话。You can read the story of Noah in the Bible.你能在《圣经》里读到挪亚的故事。The defense said that the victim's story was a total fabrication designed to get revenge.辩方称受害者的说法全都是捏造的,目的是为了报复。She has included photographs in the book to lend verisimilitude to the story.她在书中使用了照片,以使故事显得更加真实。The first part of the book is pretty boring, but it gets a lot better as the story goes on.这本书的第一部分挺无聊的,但随着故事的发展就好看多了。He showed a polite interest in her story.他出于礼貌对她的故事表现出兴趣。After the newspaper story appeared his reputation was in tatters.事情见报后,他的名誉大大受损。It's a story in which fact mingles with fiction.这是一个事实与虚构夹杂的故事。Garry told me this story over lunch yesterday.加里在昨天的午餐会上给我讲了这个故事。The story he told was basically true, even if it wasn't literally true.他讲的事虽然并不完全真实,但基本属实。Between them they cooked up some story to tell their parents.他们私下里编了个故事来哄父母。Teaching history means above all knowing how to tell a story.教历史意味着首先得知道怎么讲故事。The story was simply trumped up by him.这故事只不过是他编造出来的。He innuendoed his own version of the story as dexterously as he could.他对事情的经过尽量巧妙地以旁敲侧击的方式提出了自己的看法。The story wouldn't have fooled anyone with a grain of sense.这个故事,稍微有一点头脑的人都骗不了。There is not a shred of truth in the story.这则报道中没有一句实话。He cooked up this story that she was his illegitimate daughter.他编造了她是自己私生女的故事。Barry took up the story where Justine had left off.巴里从贾斯廷停下的地方接着把故事讲下去。The story was all over the Sunday papers.所有的周日报纸都大事报道这件事。As the story goes, he has been promoted twice in five years.据说他在五年中升迁了两次。It was a good story a month ago, but the newspapers have really flogged it to death.一个月前这是个精彩的故事,但报纸上已经把它反反复复地谈得令人厌烦了。It's a funny story, and more relevantly, it's true.这是个有趣的故事,更关键的是,这是件真事。Every newspaper in the city ran the story.城市的每种报纸都刊登了这则新闻报道。The old man took a drink from his cup and proceeded with his story.老人拿起杯子喝了一口,继续讲他的故事。Mr Hastings retailed the story to Mr Anderson over lunch.吃午饭时,黑斯廷斯先生把传闻的内容向安德森先生一五一十地讲了一遍。Why ruin a perfectly good story?为什么要毁掉这么一个完美的故事?The facts bore out her story. 事实证明她说的是真的。The story of Bhopal is one of unrelieved human misery.博帕尔事件是人类难以释怀的悲痛。His story doesn't match the facts.他的描述与事实不符。We haven't heard Mike's side of the story yet.我们还没有听取迈克的说法呢。Their latest movie is a modern version of a classic children's story.他们最新的一部电影是一个经典儿童故事的现代版。Have you heard his story about the time he met the Queen?你听说他遇见女王的事了吗?There is an innocence about the story.这个故事有些幼稚。Something in her story did not fit.她的说法中有些不符合事实。The newspaper carried the story over to the following page.报纸在下一页继续报道了这个事件。




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