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词汇 storms
例句 Their plane had been severely buffeted by storms.他们的飞机遭到了暴风雨的猛烈袭击。This area suffered very badly in the storms.该地区在暴风雨中损失惨重。Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts and there is now little chance of finding more survivors.猛烈的暴风雨妨碍了救援工作的进行,现在找到更多生还者的希望已经很渺茫了。Residents are buying supplies and stacking wood in anticipation of the coming storms.居民们预计有暴风雨来临,就买好日用品,堆好木柴。The castle was steadfast among storms.城堡在暴风雨中屹立不动。Meteorologists believe this pressure jump is the mechanism responsible for storms and tornadoes.气象学家认为这一气压的突然升高是暴风雨和飓风形成的物理机制。The spate of storms and hurricanes in recent years could be a statistical quirk.从统计数字上看,近些年来暴风雨和飓风的频发非同寻常。The decision to invade provoked storms of protest.侵略决定激起了抗议的风暴。The coast was lashed by savage storms.猛烈的暴风雨击打着海岸。The storms continued all night, and the next morning brought no relief.暴风雨持续了整个晚上,而且第二天早晨雨势并未减弱。The effects of the East Coast snows this year were compounded by severe storms in the spring.春季的大风暴加剧了今年东海岸降雪的影响。Don't take the threat of tropical storms lightly.不要轻视热带暴风的潜在威胁。Surprisingly, the roof is still in good condition since the storms.很奇怪,经过了这场暴风雨,屋顶还是完好的。The storms came one right after the other. 暴风雨一场接着一场。It was one of the most destructive storms in modern/recent history.它是近代史/近来历史上最具破坏力的风暴之一。His meteorological observations resulted in a theory of how tropical storms arise in the Gulf of Mexico.他对气象的观察得出了墨西哥湾热带风暴如何形成的理论。The rig remained tethered to the well during the storms.钻塔在暴风雨中依然固定在油井上。It was one of the most destructive storms in recent memory.在近期的记忆中,这是最具毁灭性的暴风雨之一。Thousands of miles of woodland were flattened by storms last month.上个月的风暴夷平了数千英里的林地。The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn.他们绕过合恩角时,暴风雨已减弱了。Weather forecasters have warned about the possibility of severe storms, and city officials are taking no chances.气象台发出强烈风暴警报,市政官员们严阵以待。He has had experience navigating airplanes through storms.他有过在暴风雨中驾驶飞机的经历。Parts of the country have had power cuts because of the storms.这个国家的部分地区由于暴风雨而停电了。Many trees were twisted by the rack of the storms.很多树被风暴摧折。Careless or uninformed decisions during these huge storms can lead to loss of life and property.在这些强烈的暴风雨期间,粗心大意的或无知的决定可能会导致生命和财产损失。These are the worst storms to hit the island within living memory.这是人们记忆中袭击过岛屿的最厉害的几次暴风雨。Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera, leaving three people dead and dozens injured.猛烈的暴风雨给法国里维埃拉地区造成了极大的破坏,致使三人死亡,数十人受伤。The rains came first, then the storms.先是下雨,接着是暴风雨。We have received notice of storms approaching.我们已收到风暴即将来临的预报。It is unlikely that the storms will have much impact on this year's harvest.暴风雨不会对今年的收成产生很大的影响。In the movie she has the power to conjure up storms, fires, and earthquakes.在影片中,她拥有可以召唤风暴、大火和地震的魔力。Some towns are still without electricity after last week's storms.上个星期的暴风雨之后,有些镇上到现在还是没有电。This has been one of the worst years on record for winter storms.这是有记录以来冬季风暴最严重的年份之一。The recent storms have caused serious damage.最近的几次暴风雨造成了重大的损害。Winter storms swept the coasts.冬季风暴横扫了海滨地区。One after another, tropical storms battered the Pacific coastline.热带风暴接二连三地在太平洋沿岸肆虐。The storms and rains of that year foreshadowed a long period of unstable weather conditions.那年的风暴和雨水预示着长期不稳定的气象条件。Afternoon storms fester around sun-warmed hills.下午的暴风雨洒向一座又一座被阳光晒热了的山头。Sea levels have risen and storms have increased in both violence and frequency.海平面上升了,暴风雨来得更加猛烈和频繁。There had not been such severe storms in southern England for hundreds of years.英格兰南部数百年未遇过如此猛烈的暴风雨。




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