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词汇 stop in
例句 I won't tire you with a long visit. I just wanted to stop in and see how you were doing.我这次拜访时间不会很长,免得让你感到疲劳,我只是想顺路来看看你怎么样了。You should stop in for tea sometime.改天你该来喝喝茶。Mack was driving down from Vermont, with a stop in Boston to pick Sarah up.麦克正开车从佛蒙特向南行驶,中途经停波士顿接上萨拉。Cheney is making a campaign stop in Lubbock, Texas.切尼在得克萨斯州的拉伯克市进行短暂的竞选宣传。We made only two stops in our journey.一路上我们只停了两次。The first stop in our itinerary was a hotel outside Paris.我们旅程中的第一个停留点是巴黎郊外的一家旅馆。We can't stop in the middle of the performance and do it over.我们不能中途停止演出然后重新再来。He brought the car to a stop in front of the house.他把车停到屋前。A truck came to a stop in front of the hotel.一辆卡车在旅馆前面停下。Don't stop in tonight.Let's go to see a film.今晚别呆在家里了,咱们去看场电影吧。I need to stop in at the library.我要顺路去一下图书馆。It would be a crime to travel all the way to Australia and not stop in Sydney.千里迢迢前往澳大利亚却不在悉尼逗留,那将是大错特错。It should be a great week, with overnight stops in assorted hotels in the West Highlands.那一周会过得很开心,晚上可以在西部高地上的各式旅馆里过夜。Engine problems forced us to make an unscheduled stop in Athens.发动机故障迫使我们在雅典作了事先未安排的停留。The car was going so fast that it couldn't stop in time.车行驶得太快以至于不能及时停下来。Those who didn't finish their homework stop in after class.没完成作业的同学放学后留下。The first stop in our itinerary was a hotel outside Paris.我们行程的第一个停留地点是位于巴黎市郊的旅店。The strike caused a stop in the construction of the railway.罢工使铁路建设工程停顿了。The driver of the car failed to stop in time, and the boy was killed.汽车司机未能及时停车,男孩就被撞死了。The plane stops in Shanghai before going on to Beijing.飞机在上海停留一下,接着继续飞向北京。The plane made an unscheduled stop in New York.飞机在纽约临时停留。Please stop in when you come to Liverpool.来利物浦时,请顺便来家里坐一坐。The company pulled out all the stops to advertise their new product. = The company pulled out all the stops in advertising their new product.公司全力以赴宣传他们的新产品。The tour includes stops in Salzburg and Vienna.这次旅游会在萨尔茨堡和维也纳停留。If you don't leave enough space between your car and the car in front, you may not be able to stop in time.如果你的车没有跟前面的车保持足够的距离,就有可能无法及时刹车。The trip includes an overnight stop in Paris.旅程包括在巴黎逗留一晚。We made a stop in Tokyo.我们在东京停留了一下。The driver clapped on his brakes when he saw the child,but he failed to stop in time.司机看到那个孩子就急忙刹车,可是没有及时刹住。The plane stops in Boston to refuel.飞机经停波士顿加油。You can't travel all the way to Australia and not stop in Sydney.不远万里到了澳大利亚却不在悉尼稍作停留,这怎么行。The journey is in two legs, with only a short stop in Bangkok.旅途分两段,只在曼谷稍作停歇。The car slewed to a stop in thick mud.汽车向旁边一滑陷入泥里停了下来。He brought the car to a stop in front of the square.他在广场前把车停了下来。The last stop in Mr Cook's lengthy tour was Paris.库克先生漫长旅程中的最后一站是巴黎。The tour stops in several cities.这次旅游要去往几个城市。




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