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词汇 stop
例句 He threw the switch to stop the machine.他扳动开关让机器停了下来。I negotiated the corner on my motorbike and pulled to a stop.我骑摩托车顺利通过拐角,然后停了下来。He yelled at us for ignoring the stop sign.因为没在停车标志处停车,他冲我们大呼小叫。We'll stop off for breakfast on the way.我们会在中途停一下吃早饭。It aims to stop the depletion of fish stocks.其目标是抑制鱼类数量减少。Will you two stop pissing around!你们俩就不能不胡闹吗!The car slewed to a stop in thick mud.汽车向旁边一滑陷入泥里停了下来。To stop the machine push the foot pedal.踩脚踏板可以让机器停止运转。You should know when to stop asking questions.你应该知道什么事不该问。Apply pressure to the wound to stop it bleeding.压住伤口止血。Alcoholics Anonymous is a group which supports people who are trying to stop drinking too much alcohol.匿名戒酒会是一个帮助人们停止酗酒的机构。I was waiting at the bus stop.我在汽车站等着。She put her hand out to stop herself from falling.她伸出手臂以免摔倒。The decision has been made to move UN troops in to try and stop the fighting.已决定派遣联合国部队进驻该地区以制止这场冲突。I slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop.我猛力踩下刹车,汽车滑着停了下来。Let's stop doing it for the present.我们暂时停一下工作。I must remember to stop at the store.我一定要记住在那家商店停一下。I'm warning you; stop it right now!我警告你,马上住手!You little stinker - stop that!你这个讨厌的人,住手!The car rolled to a stop at the side of the road.汽车在路边停了下来。The bell has rung – stop writing now.铃声已响,立即停笔。If someone you know has cancer, don't let worry on this score stop you from visiting them.如果你认识的人得了癌症,不要因为这方面的担忧就不去探望他们。Why don't they stop pussyfooting around and say what they really mean?他们为什么不能不再闪烁其词,说出他们真正的意图呢?She knew that if she didn't put a stop to their squabbling now, it could go on for weeks.她知道,如果现在不结束他们的这场争吵,那就要吵好几个星期了。That's got to stop.必须到此为止。Realistically speaking, he hadn't a hope, but that didn't stop him trying.实事求是地说,他毫无希望,但是这并没有让他放弃努力。Negotiations brought a stop to the conflict.谈判制止了冲突。Iwish Beth would stop trying to be so nice.我真希望贝思不要再这么好心。It looks like negotiations between the two sides have come to a full stop.看起来双方的谈判终止了。She had the good sense to stop before she said too much.她非常理智地打住了,没有再讲下去。Can we stop at the next services and get something to eat?我们在下一个服务站停下来吃点东西怎么样?My house is conveniently near the bus-stop.我家就在公车站附近,非常方便。We will stop at nothing to save our child.我们要尽一切努力营救我们的孩子。To stop the fighting there requires the threat and probably the actuality of military force.要平息那里的战火就要威胁采用甚至真正动用军事力量。She doesn't stop to think about what she's saying.她都不停下来想一想自己在说些什么。The police found the drugs during a routine traffic stop.警察在一次例行的停车检查中发现了毒品。He told us to stop, or else we'd get a good hiding.他让我们停下,否则就把我们痛打一顿。I wanted to stop and have a pee.我想要暂停一下,去撒尿。If you don't deal with that bill quickly, they might stop your electricity.你如不赶快把账单付掉,他们可能切断你的电。Let's get down to basics and stop horsing around.别胡闹了,我们还是收收心想想要紧事吧。




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