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词汇 Stop
例句 Stop doing that, in the name of God!看在上帝的分上,别干了! Stop nagging!别唠叨了!Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen.不要坐等事情发生。要创造条件让它们发生。Stop wiggling your foot.不要扭动你的脚。Stop if you see a cashpoint, I have to get some money out.你看见自动提款机时停一下,我得取些钱。Stop at the next corner. I'm getting out.在下一个拐角停下,我要下车。Stop that infernal racket!别吵了,烦死了!Stop shouting and let's discuss this reasonably.别吵吵嚷嚷了,我们来理智地讨论一下此事。Stop bothering me. Beat it! 别烦我,走开!What in the world are you up to? Stop it at once!你到底在搞什么名堂?马上停止!Stop clowning around. We've got work to do.别胡闹了,我们有正事要做。Stop it, Joe, you're really getting on my tits.停下,乔,你真的烦死我了。Stop crying and take it like a man!别哭了,像个爷们儿!Stop right there, before you say something you'll regret.趁你说出会让你将来后悔的话之前,立刻打住。Stop at the next garage for a fill-up.在下一处加油站停车加油。Stop worrying about the past and live in the present.别再为过去烦恼,好好地过眼前的日子。Stop messing about ! I'm trying to tell you something important.别胡闹!我要告诉你一件重要事情。Stop snivelling and get on with it.别哭鼻子了,继续干吧。Stop procrastinating and get on with your work.别再拖延了,继续干你的活儿吧。Stop making public statements without their prior approval here.在这儿未经他们事先同意不要再发表公开声明。Stop shoving me!别推我了!Face the reality. Stop being an ostrich.面对现实吧。不要再做逃避现实的人。Stop by for a drink on your way home from work.下班回家的路上你顺便来喝一杯吧。Stop sniffing and blow your nose.别抽鼻子了,擤一擤鼻涕。Stop pestering me – I'm busy!不要老烦我,我很忙!Stop chattering and open your books.别叽里呱啦地说个不停了,翻开书本。Stop bothering your father.别缠着你爸爸了。Stop acting innocent.别再假装无辜了。Stop fiddling with the remote control!别拿着遥控器弄来弄去!Stop putting on that funny voice!别装那种滑稽的声音了!Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 别再自哀自怜了。Stop bellyaching and just get on with the job.我希望你别再发牢骚,继续干你的工作。Stop trying to pass the buck and take responsibility for what you've done.别再推卸责任了,自己做的事自己承担。Stop making fun of me!别取笑我!Stop playing around and eat!.别逗了,快吃吧!Stop wasting time. We have to finish this today.别浪费时间了,我们今天必须完成这事。Stop asking questions! You should know when enough is enough.别问问题了!你应该知道什么时候该适可而止。Stop messing around - just get on with it!别闲混了一快点做吧!Stop slacking and get back to work.别偷懒了,回去干活。Stop sitting there chasing rainbows. Get out and do some work.别坐著想入非非了,出去干点活。




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