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词汇 stooped
例句 He stooped down, cut the stem for her with his knife and handed her the flower.他弯下腰,用刀替她将花茎割断,然后将花递给她。She was taller than he was and stooped slightly.她比他高些,稍微有些驼背。He stooped and picked up his case.他俯身提起箱子。They never stooped to petty manoeuvres.他们从不会卑劣到耍弄小花招。She stooped to retrieve the key from the ground.她蹲下去,从地上拾起钥匙。She stooped and hugged the little dog.她俯下身去抱了抱小狗。She stooped and kissed the children.她俯下身去亲吻孩子们。There were two letters by the door. He stooped and picked them up.门口有两封信,他弯腰把它们捡起来。She stooped to pick up her fan.她弯身去捡起扇子。She stooped down to hug the child.她弯下腰拥抱孩子。They've stooped to using any and every weapon at their disposal.他们已经无耻到把能用的武器都用上了。She stooped to pick the book up off the floor.她俯身把书从地板上拾起来。Two men in shirt sleeves stooped over the car.两名穿衬衣的男子趴在那辆汽车上。He had not, until recently, stooped to personal abuse.他以前从未像最近这样卑鄙到进行人身攻击。Dave stooped down to tie his shoes.戴夫俯下身来系鞋带。He stooped to pick up the carrier bag of groceries.他俯下身去提装着食品杂货的购物袋。She stooped down to pick up a stone.她弯腰捡起一块石头。I stooped down to put my face level with his.我俯下身去与他面对面。The old man approached the counter with a stooped, shuffling gait.老人弯腰曲背,拖着脚步走向柜台。Their backs were always in a stooped position.他们的背经常弯曲着。His shoulders are stooped. 他的肩膀弓着。He stooped down to pick up the two pebbles.他弯下腰捡起了两块鹅卵石。His lawyers even stooped to using the children to gain public sympathy.他的律师竟然堕落到利用小孩子来博取公众的同情。Sophie stooped to throw another branch on the pile.索菲弯腰往柴火堆上又扔了一根树枝。He stooped and retrieved his hat.他蹲下去捡起他的帽子。




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