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词汇 bending
例句 She was bending over the bowl, careless of her hair.她俯身在碗上,没顾及自己的头发。Avoid bending at the waist when lifting heavy objects.搬起重物时不要弯腰。Avoid scratching, bending, or twisting the metal out of place.不要刮、折或拧金属,以免它移位。The trees were bending in the wind.树木被大风吹弯了腰。Turn the pot if the plants show signs of bending towards the light.如果花草有向阳性,就把花盆转一下。People are bending over backwards to please customers.人们正使出浑身解数取悦顾客。His fingers were bending and unbending.他的手指不停地屈伸。I cricked my back bending to pick up the suitcase.我弯腰去提箱子时扭伤了后背。These cruel devices are designed to stop prisoners bending their legs.这些残酷的刑具是用来阻止犯人弯腿的。My earliest recollections are of my mother bending over my cot.我最早的记忆是母亲俯身站在我的小床前。The doctor says no bending or lifting for at least six weeks.医生说至少六个星期之内不能弯腰或抬起物件。My earliest memories are of my mother bending over my cot to kiss me goodnight.我最早的记忆便是母亲在我的小床旁弯着腰吻我,并与我道晚安。Infinity in space is a mind-bending concept.宇宙空间无限大是个令人费解的概念。The bird was enclosed in such a small space that it could not turn without bending its tail.小鸟被关在这么狭小的空间里,不弯一下尾巴的话,都转不过身来。They offered a mind-bending salary.他们给出了一份令人难以置信的薪水。They are bending their efforts toward completing the job on time.他们正竭尽全力争取按时完成工作。When he tells people he's from Manhattan he's bending the truth a little since he really grew up in Brooklyn.他告诉别人他来自曼哈顿是撒了个小谎,因为他其实是在布鲁克林长大的。It was noted that the bending of the inlet pipe cause some flow asymmetry.我们注意到,单管的弯曲造成了气流的不对称。He was bending and unbending his fingers.他反复屈伸手指。He was bending down tying his shoelaces.他俯下身去系鞋带。I hurt my back bending over to pick up my child.我弯下身抱孩子时扭伤了背。The branches of the fruit tree were bending under their own weight. 沉甸甸的果实把树枝都压弯了。He was bending over the basin and splashing his face.他俯在脸盆上,用水泼脸。Several branches started bending towards the ground.好几条树枝开始向地上弯垂。He was fed up with people bending his ear about staying on at school.人们一个劲儿地跟他说要继续留在学校念书,这让他烦透了。She'd cut a jagged hole in the tin, bending a knife in the process.她在罐头上曲里拐弯地划了个口子,其间还弄弯了一把小刀。We're bending the rules for this exceptional situation.我们针对这次的特殊情况放宽了规则。He was having a wash, bending over the basin and splashing his face.他正在洗脸,俯向脸盆往脸上泼水。Rick appeared, bending his head a little to clear the top of the door.里克到了,进门时为了避开门楣稍微低了下头。




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