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词汇 stick at
例句 He wouldn't stick at cheating to get what he wanted.他为了得到想要的东西会不惜行骗。Sharpen a stick at both ends.把棍子的两头都削尖。He's a man who sticks at it until it's finished.他是那种不达目的决不罢休的人。You will find it hard at first, but stick at it.你会发现刚开始时有点难,但要坚持下去。She has more cats than you can shake a stick at. 她养的猫多得数都数不过来。He poked a stick at the snake. = He poked the snake with a stick.他用棍子拨弄了那条蛇。He will stick at nothing to attain his ends.他为了达到目的什么都干得出来。There are more whisky distilleries in this part of Scotland than you can shake a stick at.苏格兰的这一地区有数不胜数的威士忌酒厂。There were just a few flakes, not enough snow to shake a stick at.只不过是飘了几片雪花,没下多少雪。 He became more and more irritated by her inability to stick at anything.他对她做任何事都会半途而废感到越来越恼火。He is a thorough-going crook, who sticks at nothing to gain his ends.他是个彻头彻尾的坏蛋,为了达到自己的目的不择手段。If you stick at it, I'm sure you'll pass your examinations.如果你不断努力,我相信你会通过考试的。I won't stick at any difficulty.什么困难也难不住我。He'll stick at nothing to get what he wants.他会为了得到他想要的东西而不择手段。She brandished a stick at the dog.她冲那只狗挥舞棍子。He'll stick at it till he succeeds.他会坚持不懈直至成功。 He shook his stick at the naughty boys.他挥舞手杖吓唬那些顽童。If you stick at it long enough, you'll succeed.如果你坚持不懈,就会成功。He will stick at nothing to make money.为了赚钱,他会不择手段。Shaking a stick at somebody is a threatening gesture, or at least one of defiance.向他人挥动棍子是一种威胁的举动,或者至少是一种挑衅。The conductor pointed his stick at the girl with the horn.指挥把他的指挥棒指向吹号的女孩。The old man brandished his walking stick at the menacing dog.老人对著那条要咬他的狗挥舞手杖吓牠走。She often sticks at her work more than ten hours a day.她常常一天一工作就是十小时以上。He'll stick at nothing to do what he wants to.他可什么都干得出来。He's not a man who sticks at trifles.他是个不拘小节的人。He became irritated by her inability to stick at anything.她做什么事都坚持不下去,为此他大为恼火。You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not going to stick at it.如果你不打算持之以恒的话,你永远也学不会弹钢琴。The Government's energy program shakes a stick at big consumers of gasoline.政府的能源计划关心的是用汽油的大户。Just stick at it and I'm sure it'll get easier.只要继续下去,坚持我相信事情会变得容易一些。She'll stick at nothing to get what she wants.为获得想要的东西,她什么都做得出来。




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